How To Make An Aroma Mixture With Your Own Hands

How To Make An Aroma Mixture With Your Own Hands
How To Make An Aroma Mixture With Your Own Hands

The aroma mix can be composed of all sorts of spices, spices and dried fruits. Any essential oils can be used as additional flavors for the potpourri. Aromatic mixtures will give your home a unique aura and a subtle sillage of aroma.

How to make an aroma mixture with your own hands
How to make an aroma mixture with your own hands

Of course, you can also purchase a ready-made flavored potpourri mixture, which is sold in a flower shop or in an interior store, but it is much more pleasant to do it yourself, it will come out cheaper in cost.

To make a potpourri, you can use literally everything that grows in the summer in the country and in nature: greens, fruits and flowers. Some ingredients can also be purchased in specialized stores, just choose ingredients without synthetic and artificial flavors.

If you were presented with roses, lilacs, lilies of the valley, violets or other flowers that are starting to fade, then do not rush to throw them away. Cut flowers, buds and inflorescences and dry them in a dark and dry place. It is advisable that the room in which the drying takes place should be free of foreign odors and the air should be fresh. Take fruits such as citrus fruits and apples, which can be dried in the same way (or in a special dryer) and add to the mixture. Use mint, basil, bay leaves, sage, chamomile, or other aromatic plants that are close at hand.

To decorate your potpourri beautifully, use pretty glass vases, creative crockery, carved trays, or wicker baskets. Mix all the ingredients in your chosen bowl, then add a few drops of your favorite essential oil and enjoy the subtle scent of a potpourri in your home.
