How To Draw Toys

How To Draw Toys
How To Draw Toys

Table of contents:


If you start drawing, then, first of all, you need to mentally imagine the image of those objects that you want to portray. For example, children's toys are always depicted as bright, as they symbolize a joyful period of childhood.

How to draw toys
How to draw toys

It is necessary

A sheet of paper, a pencil, a button and an eraser


Step 1

If you want to draw Christmas decorations in the form of balls, then it will not take very much time. Draw an ordinary Christmas tree toy in the form of a circle with a small hook at the top - this will be a loop for hanging.

Step 2

To draw a toy - a car or a doll, use visual objects from which you could sketch important details. Place your chosen item in front of you.

Step 3

Consider the number of parts it consists of and divide the work into several stages.

Step 4

Do not rush to draw everything at once, first complete the first part of the toy, then compare its similarity with the original. Correct and continue. For a toy to be of great value, it must be colored, adding creative imagination.
