Why Does The Right Eye Itch

Why Does The Right Eye Itch
Why Does The Right Eye Itch

There are a lot of signs and superstitions among the people, which originate in the distant past and are completely devoid of logic. In Russia, so many will be invented that you just can't take a step - every action means something. For example, your right eye was combed, it would seem that there is nothing special, but everything is not so simple. The people have an answer to this case.

Why does the right eye itch
Why does the right eye itch

Traditionally, it is believed that the human organs located on the right side are "responsible" for good. Based on this, the right eye is much "better" than the left, so if it suddenly combed, then wait for good news.

It is known that a person has his Guardian Angel behind his right shoulder, who wishes his ward only good, therefore, when suddenly the right eye is combed, then wait for joyful events. Most often, this means a quick date with your beloved, and if he is not there, then it means that soon you will certainly meet him.

Thank your Guardian Angel for the good news: scratch your right eye with the fingers of your left hand, pat yourself on your right shoulder and mentally say "Thank you."

Why does the right eye itch on days of the week

It turns out that if the right eye itches on days of the week, the name of which includes the letter "P", then this is joy, and on other days - to trouble. It turns out that on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Sunday, the right eye itches, marking pleasant events, and on Monday, Friday and Saturday - to trouble.

Why the right eye itches - physiological reasons

It is fair to say that the eyes are often itchy due to fatigue. Maybe you just sit at the computer for a long time and do not give them rest. Then you don't need to stroke yourself on the shoulder, you just need to turn off the monitor and give your eyes a rest.

The eyes still itch with allergies, conjunctivitis, and when barley ripens. By the way, if you have barley ripening, then to prevent its appearance, brew a tea bag, cool it and attach it to the sore spot. Repeat this process several times - itching and pain should subside.

You can also ask a relative to show the cookie to the ripening barley. It is popularly believed that after these manipulations, barley will not appear.
