Why Does The Left Eye Itch

Why Does The Left Eye Itch
Why Does The Left Eye Itch

Even understanding why the left eye itches on Sunday, Monday or another day of the week, in order for the information to be more accurate, it is worth using other types of fortune-telling.

The girl's eye itches
The girl's eye itches

Everyone knows that the dishes beat "for luck", and if a black cat crosses the road, you should expect trouble. But there are signs, the meaning of which depends on the time, place, day of the week and many other factors. For example, to find out the meaning of sleep, you should remember other details of what you saw at night, and in order to find out what the left eye itches for, it is important to know when and with whom it happened.

Sign value depending on the days of the week

One of the ways to understand what the left eye itches for is fortune telling by the days of the week. Many people think that itching in the left eye predicts tears and parting.

But in fact, the meaning of this sign can be both positive and negative:

  1. Minor conflicts and unpleasant situations, financial losses and unplanned expenses, quarrels and scandals with relatives - this is what the left eye itches to at the beginning of the week. Monday is not the best day to sort things out with loved ones, so it is better to refrain from mutual reproaches, to be more restrained and patient.
  2. On Tuesday, the left eye, as a rule, itches to material well-being and luck in business. Career growth or encouragement from senior management is possible. In general, this is a good sign, although if an unmarried girl has a desire to scratch her eyes, she should take a closer look at her loved one. If you believe the fortune-telling - he is cheating on her with his best friend.
  3. On Wednesday, this sign has an ambiguous explanation. On the one hand, it can portend a fateful meeting or a romantic date, on the other, disturbing news and difficulties in business. But even if the prediction turned out to be negative, do not be upset - all the troubles will quickly end, and the disputes will be resolved.
  4. When the left eye itches and itches on Thursday, a person will face disappointment in friends and gossip behind his back, grief and tears, health problems with close relatives. On this day, you should not tempt fate and it is better not to rush to draw conclusions and make rash decisions.
  5. Scratching your eyes on Friday means parting with your loved one. In addition, it is worth preparing for the arrival of unexpected guests and meeting old friends.
  6. When asked why the left eye itches or itches on Saturday, all interpreters give the same answer - this is a good omen. It speaks of love excitement and new acquaintances, romantic meetings and the rapid development of relationships. For married couples, an itchy eye indicates the beginning of a new, positive and harmonious stage in their life.
  7. Itching in the left eye on Sunday promises a significant and unexpected improvement in financial situation. It is equally likely to be both the return of an old debt, and a gift from loved ones, a promotion or inheritance.

The interpretation of the signs depending on the days of the week allows you to find out what can happen and what events should be feared in the near future.