Why Do Your Ears Itch

Why Do Your Ears Itch
Why Do Your Ears Itch

Since ancient times, people have paid great attention to folk signs and beliefs. Each of them carried some kind of warning or announced about upcoming events. Among the huge number of such signs, there are those that explain why the ears itch.

Why do your ears itch
Why do your ears itch

Ears itching: different interpretations

There are several interpretations of what the ears itch for. The most famous is the one that promises to receive some kind of news - both good and bad. It is not so easy to verify the reliability of this explanation, because one way or another in a person's life there is constantly receiving any information - news. Perhaps that is why this interpretation is considered the most truthful.

For this sign, there is also such an explanation: if the ears itch, it means that friends are expected to have a newborn. In this case, it is easy to sort out your friends and girlfriends in the memory, and then guess which of them might have a baby.

If you do not have such acquaintances, you can consider other options - for example, "someone will scold you." This interpretation is unlikely to please you very much. However, by reevaluating the upcoming actions that day, you can avoid its execution.

According to another version, if your ears itch, this may be a warning of unforeseen cash spending. By listening to such a warning, you can mentally tune in to a certain event that is associated with the possible expense of your finances.

Folk signs about the weather

Often people who live in rural areas believe that if their ears itch, then it means rain. When doing agriculture, it is important to listen to this popular belief. After all, what great news, especially if there has been no precipitation for a long time. But the most important thing for the villagers is the vegetable garden. Therefore, such news can be very pleasant for them.

In addition to this interpretation, there is another one, also related to weather conditions. For example, for those who were born in the summer or spring, this sign means that there will be warming soon. If the ears itch in those born in the winter or autumn period, the interpretation has a different meaning, arguing that the weather will change in the direction of a cold snap.

Among other things, an important role is played by what it itches before the warming, and the left one - to the onset of cold weather.

Ear itches: what other versions are there?

Many people believe in folk signs. Therefore, if the ear itches, they expect certain events to be fulfilled. However, if you think logically (or skeptically), you can find another explanation for this.

For example, if you have earrings in your ears, they may itch from your body's intolerance to a certain metal. In addition, it is possible that ear itching is the result of allergies or some kind of irritation. This can be established by contacting your doctor.