If a person is absolutely healthy, and his ears suddenly began to burn, then according to popular belief, someone remembers him. It is believed that people can sense conversations and thoughts about them at a distance. And it is good about a person being spoken about at the moment or badly - directly depends on which ear is burning, right or left.

Why is the right ear burning
The right side has long been considered responsible for positive emotions, so if the right ear is on fire, then only good things are said about you. Someone is now praising you and paints what a wonderful person you are. You can mentally begin to list the names of your acquaintances, when you accidentally guess the one who now remembers you with a kind word, then the right ear will immediately stop burning.
It is also believed that the right ear is on fire when someone is very much looking for a meeting with you. Perhaps this is an old acquaintance or a person with whom you have not communicated for a long time.
Why is the left ear burning
If your left ear is on fire, then somewhere they gossip and slander about you, express displeasure with your actions and statements.
There is another interpretation - if your left ear is on fire, then somewhere there is a very unpleasant conversation in which your name is mentioned in a neutral way.
Why both ears are burning
When both ears are on, it means that someone remembers you, and very strongly. It is possible that you will very soon meet someone who is thinking of you now. When both ears are on, it is unclear whether this person thinks good or bad of you. However, it will become clear upon meeting.
Why ears burn on days of the week
If your ears are on fire on Monday - to a quarrel, scandal, quarrel. Tuesday - resentment, parting. Wednesday is an unexpected pleasant meeting. Thursday is good news. Friday is a love date. Saturday is a nuisance. Sunday - Cash Profit.