It is possible to rotate a full turn on a swing, but only taking precautions and with insurance. There is also a sport in which professionals play the sun in competitions.

"Sun" is a complete revolution around the crossbar to which the swing is attached. It would be more correct to call this trick "sun". Probably every teenager dreams of fulfilling it. Therefore, for safety reasons, most swings in playgrounds have swing stops.
Technique for performing the sun on a swing
The technique of the sun trick is very simple, but the execution itself is extremely dangerous. Standing firmly on their feet or sitting, the person sways until the seat overcomes the upper middle of the rotation circle. It is diametrically opposite to the lowest rest point of the swing.
Under the influence of centrifugal force, the swinging one firmly "merges" with the swing seat. If the trickster is strong and has a good vestibular apparatus, he will without incident descend to the starting point and go to the next lap.
If the lover of speed and height is not very strong physically and momentarily loses control over his body, he risks remaining disabled for the rest of his life. And this is the best case. Unfortunately, there are a lot of examples.
A relatively safe option for such a trick may be the "half sun". This is a swing, alone or with a partner, to the upper midpoint of the spin circle. In the experience of many adults who were once children, the sensations are only slightly weaker than with a full swing of the swing. But the risk is much less.
If, nevertheless, it is fundamentally important to make a full circle or you just really want to, your option is keying.
The sun on a swing as a sport
Kiiking was born in Estonia in the early nineties. Since 1993 he has become an adult sport. Estonians have been very fond of swinging on a swing since ancient times. Modern fans of this game have become professional athletes.
Kiiking has its own rules that everyone needs to follow. Only participants over twelve years old are allowed to compete. It is obligatory to reinforce the athletes during the exercise. Hands and feet are securely attached to the swing suspension.
Only these precautions can make the trick relatively safe. And also constant training, tempering the body and spirit. After all, the risk is good only within reasonable limits. It is then that he becomes a skill that is admired by those around him.
Modern teenagers can "spin the sun" in sports clubs and circus schools under the supervision of experienced mentors. It is completely safe and will only benefit all thrill-seekers.