Along with its unique healing properties and special energy, oak wood has high strength characteristics and is slightly susceptible to external influences. This determined the scope of its use.

There are about 600 varieties of oak. These trees differ in a wide variety of species in the territories of North America, Asia and the Mediterranean. About 20 of its varieties originally grow in Russia, about 50 species were imported from other countries in the past. The most widespread at the moment are the pedunculate oak or common oak and the rock oak. The woods of these species are similar, however, carpenters who know how to distinguish them work more with rock oak.
The cork and changeable oak, brought to Russia, successfully took root on the shores of the Black Sea and in the Caucasus. Their wood is not used in industry, preferring the most valuable bark.
Oak wood is widely used in mechanical engineering and shipbuilding. The construction of wooden bridges, their underwater foundation, the construction of the foundations of houses, etc., cannot do without it. This most valuable natural material is widely used in interior decoration of living space: floors, windows, doors, furniture, household items, etc.
The beautiful texture of this tree allows craftsmen to create durable, very beautiful things that are not devoid of artistic value. Oak, for example, is used to create magnificent sculptures and other works of art.
The wood of this mighty tree is considered one of the best species for making stairs. Because this object is used very often in the house, more and more often its frame is made of metal, and the steps are made of oak, emphasizing and preserving its natural texture and properties.
Oak wood is used in the manufacture of double-glazed windows and ordinary windows. Both solid oak and three-layer glued beams are used. However, according to experts, a timber made of a solid lamella can exceed the properties of an array in terms of its qualities, because during its production, neither size distortion nor material distortion is allowed.
Since oak is resistant to water, the parquet made from it, especially from solid wood, impregnated with special compounds, will serve you for a very long time. Furniture made of this tree will not be an exception. When creating it, as a rule, trees are used that are more than 200 years old, because their wood is not susceptible to fungi or insects.