How To Make Papier Mache

How To Make Papier Mache
How To Make Papier Mache

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"Papier-mâché" is translated from French as "chewed paper". Using this technique, you can create both open forms, for example, dishes, and full-fledged sculptures.

You can make original masks from papier-mâché
You can make original masks from papier-mâché

It is necessary

  • 1. Newspapers or paper;
  • 2. Paste or glue;
  • 3. The basis for the form;
  • 4. Vegetable oil;
  • 5. Wire;
  • 6. Balloons;
  • 7. Basics for masks;
  • 8. Paints and varnish.


Step 1

To get started, you can try to create an open shape, for example, a plate. To do this, we need to prepare a paste based on flour or starch. To do this, you need to mix starch or flour with a little cold water so that the lumps disappear. Then add a little boiling water and put on fire. It is necessary to heat the mass until the mixture becomes completely transparent. Also for these purposes, you can use ordinary PVA glue.

Step 2

Next, you need to pick up a sufficient amount of paper or newspaper. This is easier to do if you first tear the paper into strips ten centimeters long, and only then tear them into small pieces measuring 2 by 2 centimeters. If you do not plan to paint the product with paints in the future, then it is better to take white paper.

Step 3

Then we take the base. As a rule, a saucer, plate or bowl is perfect for this purpose. Lightly coat the bottom of the dish with vegetable oil (so that later the finished papier-mâché is easier to remove), and then we begin to glue paper onto it.

Step 4

After applying the first layer, let the product dry a little and apply the next layer. In this sequence, it is necessary to make 5-6 layers. After that, carefully trim the edge of the paper flush with the rim of the plate so that your papier-mâché has straight edges.

Step 5

We put the plate in a dry, warm place for about a day. During this time, the paper should dry completely. Carefully separate the paper plate from the ceramic one and proceed to painting it.

Step 6

Watercolor and acrylic paints are best for papier-mâché. First you need to make the product a uniform background, let it dry, and then you can apply patterns. At the end, the dishes can be varnished.

Step 7

You can also make beautiful ball-shaped decorations from papier-mâché. For this you need a balloon. Inflate it to the required size, lubricate with oil and start applying layers of paper using the technology described above. After drying, carefully pierce the balloon, remove it, and decorate the papier-mâché balloon beautifully.

Step 8

You can make beautiful masks with papier-mâché. For this you need a foundation. It can be made from a hockey mask, plasticine, or clay. If you want to make a mask for your face, then you need to lubricate it with petroleum jelly, prepare an oval cake from clay and gently apply it on your face, making holes for the eyes. After half an hour, the mask will harden a little. Remove it carefully and leave to dry for 24 hours. After that, the clay base can be pasted over with paper.

Step 9

Also, using this technique, you can make original sculptures. To do this, you need to make a wire frame, and then apply layers of paper on it. Thus, papier-mâché can be used to make many original crafts and decorations for your home.
