Embroidered felt boots are much more expensive than the same standard-type shoes, without embellishments. If you dream of such a designer pair, but do not dare to buy, try embroidering felt boots yourself.

It is necessary
- - embroidery scheme;
- - canvas;
- - a pen;
- - a needle;
- - threads.
Step 1
If you want to embroider a rather complex, detailed picture, use the cross stitch technique. Choose a pattern online, in a magazine, or draw it yourself on checkered paper. Attach an overhead canvas to the felt boot - it can be removed from under the embroidery by pulling one thread at a time. Tie the canvas around the perimeter so that it does not move as you work.
Step 2
Sew the pattern in rows. You can fill each square individually by swiping the needle from the lower left corner to the upper right, then to the upper left and lower right. Or, first embroider half of the crosses in the entire row, then return to the beginning of the row and add the missing halves. To prevent the threads from getting tangled on the inside of the felt boot, fasten and cut the thread before returning to the beginning of the row, embroider the remaining halves of the crosses with a new one. When the drawing is ready, moisten it with a spray bottle to soak the starched canvas, then pull the canvas out with tweezers.
Step 3
A pattern with larger details can be embroidered with satin stitch. In this case, transfer the contours of the image directly to the felt boot. You can use tissue paper or freehand sketch with a ballpoint or gel pen. Make the drawing a couple of millimeters smaller than necessary so that the stitches protruding beyond the outline cover the sketch lines. Fill in with close-knit stitches. If you want to make embossed embroidery, make one layer with thick threads, and close them on top with threads of the desired color. The top layer can be attached both to the felt boot (if it is thin enough), and to the "backing" threads.
Step 4
Bead embroidery will look unusual. Sewing on each bead separately is inconvenient - the base is too thick. Instead, string the beads onto a long string. Lay it over the previously drawn pattern and attach with small stitches across the warp thread. To do this, use thin threads that match the color of the felt boots. In the same way, you can embroider with multi-colored ribbons or braid.
Step 5
To combine embroidery with the texture of felt boots, choose thick enough threads. Wool or synthetic material of the same thickness, or cotton crochet thread will do. For such threads, select a gypsy needle with a fairly wide eye.
Step 6
During work, you will have to make quite significant efforts to pierce the felt boot through. Be sure to use a thimble to push the needle. You can also try not to pull it through, but pry only the top layer of the base.
Step 7
Before starting work, check how well the selected threads are dyed. After all, they can shed from contact with snow. Soak a short piece of thread in water and then lay it on a white cloth. If there are no colored marks left, the threads can be used.