Making unusual and beautiful paper figures is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. The art of origami is easy to teach even to young children. At first, the process itself may seem complicated, so you should not start right away with figures such as the "dragon" or "crane". Learning should start with simple shapes. Try making a simple diamond shape out of paper.

Step 1
Take a piece of paper and cut an even square out of it. Place the resulting square in front of you and fold it in half. Gently move your hand or ruler to get an even fold. Then fold in two diagonally.
Step 2
It is important to note that as a result of folding a sheet of paper, the longitudinal folds should go inward and meet each other there. Thus, you will get an even triangular figure. All the folds in it will be inside.
Step 3
Fold up the corners of the top layer of the paper. Flip the shape over and fold inward again. As a result, you will have a figurine in which all the paper cuts will meet in the middle. Bend the first corner so that the result is a diamond with an even fold in the center.
Step 4
A rhombus is a simple figurine, so there is another way to make it. This also requires a flat square sheet of paper. Fold the sheet in half towards you. Fold again from right to left to make slices on the left. Expand once.
Step 5
Fold the right corner down to the center fold. Turn over and repeat the operation. A pocket has formed at the bottom. Put your hand in your pocket and turn the piece over so that the left side is on top.
Step 6
Smooth and lay the resulting square so that the corner with the slices looks at you. Bend the top corners towards the center on the right and left sides. Open the resulting corners and wrap inward. Flip over and do the same. You now have a rhombus with a larger top side that can be viewed from four sides.