Many people dream of the sky, but few manage to make this dream come true. In the event that it has not been possible to become a professional pilot, and there is no way to purchase an aircraft, the only way remains is to build an aircraft yourself.

Step 1
If you want to build an aircraft in the shortest possible time and at the lowest cost, you should opt for ULA - an ultralight aircraft. As a rule, such an apparatus is built according to the scheme with an upper wing arrangement, it is distinguished by the maximum simple design and very low weight.
Step 2
Build your first aircraft according to ready-made drawings, they can be found on the Internet. It is not recommended to build the first aircraft according to your own drawings, since the lack of design experience can lead to serious errors, the fees for which can be very high. At a minimum, it is worth taking a well-proven option as a sample and not deviating from its basic dimensions and design solutions.
Step 3
When building an aircraft, pay main attention to the quality of the work performed, it must be very high. Train yourself not to allow even the slightest negligence, this will have the most positive effect on both the quality of the device and its weight.
Step 4
Remember that the speed of creating an airplane is primarily determined by the availability of a good workshop and quality tools. It is impossible to make a good flying machine "on the knee", the lack of the necessary tools will certainly affect both the speed of work and its quality.
Step 5
Pay special attention to the power plant. If it is not possible to purchase a branded engine and you have to be content with a home-made one, provide for the duplication of its important systems and the possibility of launching in the air.
Step 6
All elements of the control system must have increased reliability. Consider the possibility of duplicating the most critical components - for example, steering rods. If cables are used as rods, be careful not to pinch the cable. The guide rollers in the cable routing must be well fixed and capable of withstanding a load several times higher than the calculated one. Do not forget that your life depends on the reliability of these elements.
Step 7
When buying materials, be sure to take sales receipts, they may be needed when registering your aircraft.