How To Dump Toys

How To Dump Toys
How To Dump Toys

Table of contents:


Felting is an original way to create soft and cozy souvenirs. For beginners, it's best to start learning this creative process with small, rounded, cute toys. One option is chicken.

How to dump toys
How to dump toys

It is necessary

Wool or felt. Felting needles - one # 32 (coarse) needle, four # 38 needles and four # 38 reverse needles. Sponge. Beads - for making eyes. Wire 2 mm. Nippers. Pliers. The scissors are large and small. Moment glue. Floss threads. Acrylic paints. Thin brush. Polymer clay


Step 1

Find sketches (several large images of chicks). You can print photos from the Internet.

Step 2

To make the bird's body: fluff a small piece of wool with a coarse needle and make a pineapple-shaped figurine (i.e. the main part should be dense and round, and the top should be slightly shaggy).

Step 3

Make a head: attach a ball of wool to the fluffed upper body with needles. Fasten the wool, squeeze the details. Use a coarse needle to make a ball to form the breast. Close the joints with thin strands of wool.

Step 4

On the head with a coarse needle, recesses for the eyes should be made. You need to glue the beads into the holes made with scissors. Then you need to make the cheeks, eyebrows and eyelids from small pieces of wool. The eyelids are attached from the inner corner of the eye. You will need to work out the surface above the eyes and move the fur off them - "open the eyes" - and then make a depression for the beak with a coarse needle.

Step 5

Make a plastic beak and bake it in the oven. However, you can make the beak from a darker shade of wool. Glue the beak. Make the wings on the same principle as the eyelids. The upper part of the wings should be left fluffed up in order to attach the wing to the body.

Step 6

Make paws from the wire. Then, using glue, wrap the wire with floss threads. Make indentations in the body with a coarse needle and cut the holes for the paws with scissors. Glue the paws. Paint the legs with acrylic paints.

Step 7

Pull out with a reverse needle and trim the excess felt with scissors.
