From childhood, grandfather personifies warmth, kindness and protection for a person. It is very sad when this wonderful person leaves this world, but sometimes you can see your deceased grandfather in a dream.

Even in a dream, your late grandfather, dad or any other relative can warn or protect you from any danger, so you should not ignore such warnings, but, on the contrary, look around you more carefully.
Why does the deceased grandfather dream?
It is very important when the grandfather says something to you in a dream. Be sure to remember and analyze what was said to you in a dream, perhaps he is hinting at something specific.
This means that soon some troubles and worries await you, or maybe someone will ask you for help and assistance in financial terms or other issue.
Not a very good sign is a situation in which in a dream you will not just talk, but argue with your deceased father, grandfather or other acquaintance of the deceased. This means that you are on the wrong track or you are doing something wrong.
It is worth rethinking your behavior or trying to change a situation that can lead to undesirable consequences.
A dream with a deceased grandfather playing with his grandchildren portends family happiness and well-being. Seeing a deceased grandfather in a coffin can portend problems in your personal life, disappointment, loss of strength, or depression. But soon the situation will be resolved in your favor.
But if grandfather calls you with him or pulls you by the hand, offering to go with him, this does not bode well. This could be a sign of serious illness or even death. But do not be very scared if you did not go anywhere with him in a dream and remained in the same place, which means that you will cope with the disease, and not every dream comes true. Maybe you just have a fantasy.
Guardian angels
It is noticed that most often the grandfather can be seen in a dream immediately after his death, this personifies deep grief and the loss of a loved one. This happens especially often in the first year after his death or on the eve of important events. Sometimes you even want to see him in a dream, from this it becomes somehow calmer in your soul, as if you had seen a loved one.
There are situations when you see your grandfather in a dream, but he does not participate in anything and, as it were, is in the background. Do not be alarmed, he is just watching so that nothing bad happens to you. After all, close deceased relatives become like guardian angels for you, so do not be lazy and go to church, put a candle for the repose, this will show them that you love and remember them.