The famous actress and presenter of Russian television Larisa Guzeeva decided to share the secrets of communication with men that will help women find their happiness and create a strong family.

Choose a person you like
For example, you are crazy about Kevin Costner from The Bodyguard or Brad Pitt, but you shouldn't look for that! Better to take a closer look at your surroundings. Perhaps there is a very real Peter, Mark or Denis in your life, but you do not notice him? It is likely that he shows you signs of attention, but you are haunted by the thought that he is not perfect. If you do not like the way your potential lover looked today, do not tell him about it. Any relationship is a compromise, so not many things need to close our eyes.
Don't call your beloved 48 times a day
Glossy magazines say that a woman should write to a man about how bored you are, call and pay too much attention. Believe me, you don't need to put notes in your pocket and write 100 SMS a day. The man worked all day to bring you wages, and found additional income to give you a gift for the next holiday. All he wants is home comfort. Prepare dinner for the man, cover him, if he fell asleep in front of the TV, do something worthwhile and enjoyable.
A woman has to be delicious
A woman should always take care of herself and be attractive to her man. Remember, if a woman meets a man from work in a beautiful dress, he will not pay attention to the fact that the cabbage soup is salted, and things are scattered on the floor.
Don't pull the past into real life
Don't torment your current companion with memories of your past relationship. If you broke up, then what kind of friendship with your former lover can we talk about? If you want to return a person, then accept his conditions, and if not, live a new life and build different relationships.
About married life
If you live in a civil marriage, and the man does not propose to you for an engagement, then he is not yet ready to marry. Perhaps the man does not even realize that in your fantasies he is already a companion for many centuries. Understand that family life is a work to which a couple goes together. A woman must love life, only then she will become happy. You need to dine with your husband, support him in a difficult situation, take care of children and not burden your husbands with your "problems."
Men are disrespectful to women
Young girls dream of mink coats, diamonds, going to restaurants and relaxing in expensive resorts, but reality is different from desires. Understand that a young woman must develop, work and support her husband's aspirations. Only jointly can you achieve great results, and wanting everything at once is a wrong position.