Handgum - translated from English means hand gum or hand gum. This is a toy made from organosilicon polymer. It is very soft, pliable and pleasant to the touch. Outwardly similar to plasticine or huge chewing gum. It is also known by the names "smart plasticine" and "stupid putty".

A bit of history
The forefather of hand chewing gum is the Scottish scientist James Wright. In 1943, in his laboratory, he worked on the invention of synthetic substitutes for natural rubber. And in the course of one of the experiments, he obtained a bright coral polymer with interesting properties. The substance did not stick to hands and other surfaces, did not leave stains, did not hold its shape. True, in what industry to use such material, at that time they did not come up with. Modern manufacturers have found a field of application for this polymer. They turned him into an educational toy. Since then, the invention of James Wright has become known throughout the world. And in 2001, the handgam was placed in the National Toy Hall of Fame in the United States.
What to do with hand gum?
Handgum has many properties. For example, if you roll a ball out of it and immediately throw it on the floor, it will bounce like a real rubber ball. And if you put this ball on a flat surface and wait a few minutes, it will spread and turn into a cake. Place the hand gum on the wire rack and it will drip through the holes. The polymer can be pulled over your hand like a glove. Likewise, you can wrap any other object with it.
Modern manufacturers have slightly modified the invention of James Wright. And now, in addition to the classic coral chewing gum for hands, they offer customers handgams that can change color depending on temperature, glow in the dark, and also have magnetic properties. In addition, Handgum began to be made in different colors and with different smells.
It is recommended to use hand gum as an antidepressant when nerves need to be calmed. Also, with the help of "smart plasticine" you can train the muscles of the arms, develop hands after fractures or bruises. And also use as a case for a mobile phone. It will be shockproof and waterproof.
This toy is useful for children with diseases of the nervous system. For example, with mild forms of cerebral palsy, delayed speech development. It is believed that Handgum helps to develop fine motor skills of fingers, develops creative thinking, good diction. Helps correct bad handwriting. Physical exercises for the fingers, which are very easy to do with Handgum, have a positive effect on the functioning of the brain and relieve fatigue.
Among other things, inventive Handgum users began to use the toy in everyday life. As it turned out, "smart plasticine" perfectly removes dirt, fluff and pet hair from various surfaces.