Choosing An Original Gift: Funplastic, Handgum, Etc

Choosing An Original Gift: Funplastic, Handgum, Etc
Choosing An Original Gift: Funplastic, Handgum, Etc

Choosing a gift for a work colleague, friend or for a second half can be a real problem, because within a certain budget, it is quite difficult to find something interesting and useful. However, the solution to this sore point can be a funny little thing - chewing gum for hands. Such a present certainly cannot be called trivial or boring.

Choosing an originalt: funplastic, handgum, etc
Choosing an originalt: funplastic, handgum, etc

Hand gum - what is it?

Hand gum is a special substance, like plasticine, that combines the properties of a liquid and a solid. It really looks a lot like chewing gum. In Russia, it is often called funplastic or handgum, but in fact these are patented names of similar products from different manufacturers.

The polymer, vaguely similar to hand gum, was first obtained in the middle of the last century in the United States and was originally used for the needs of the space and military industries. Now, this entertaining fanplastic has won the love of millions of people around the world, because it is at the same time a toy, plasticine, an anti-stress agent, a massager, and is often used as a bright spot in the interior.

Properties of hand gum

The amazing properties of hand gum are truly impressive. This substance is both liquid and solid. For example, if you mold something from it, then the figure will not keep its shape, but rather quickly spread into a puddle. At the same time, if you sharply squeeze the gum, it will become very hard, and the thrown ball, rolled from fanplastic, will bounce off the floor like a regular ball. In theory, a soft hand gum could even hammer in a small nail.

Among its indisputable advantages in comparison with ordinary plasticine, which is also pleasant to knead in the hands, is that it does not leave greasy marks, does not stick to the skin, does not stain objects and does not remain under the nails. There are many color options for fanplastics on sale for every taste - from traditional to acidic and phosphorescent. But the manufacturers did not stop there and developed a chewing gum for hands that changes color depending on temperature. Needless to say, many examples are also flavored.

Not just a toy

Why is hand gum a good gift? Firstly, because few people will buy it for themselves, because at first glance it is a trifle, and the price for it varies from 300 to 1,000 rubles and depends on the size of the package, manufacturer and additional options (color, smell, magnetic properties of some models) … Secondly, fanplastic is an excellent anti-stress toy - you can roll it, crumple it, tear it, pull it. All this helps to relieve irritation and aggression. Thirdly, the bright color of the hand gum cheers you up.

It is interesting that two pieces lying next to each other intricately merge over time and form a new shade - observing this process can be safely attributed to color therapy. Finally, working with fanplastic helps develop fine motor skills and imagination, so it can be given as a gift to children from the age of three.