Of course, when choosing an intimate partner, the zodiac sign is far from playing the first violin. But why not pay attention to the horoscope when choosing the man with whom you are going to go to bed. This will relieve you of unnecessary expectations or, on the contrary, will inspire you.

He is trying in every possible way to prove that he is capable of much. Madly loves kissing and not only on the lips. He prefers to conduct experiments and not only in his home bed. If you become his partner, get ready for the constant change of places for sex. Airplanes, toilet cubicles, trains - you will go everywhere with him. You will try everything and more.
It is considered one of the best sexual partners. I am ready to do this business day and night. He does not like and does not tolerate perversions, even completely harmless ones. Prefers to dominate a woman in everything. Ready for experiments. However, it is not worth pushing him unnecessarily towards everything new - he may get off the hook.
Almost always, everything is at the same pace, without emotions or groans. You can't call him God, of course. But women are drawn, as he radiates incredible warmth, sexuality and understanding. He is able, like no one else, to surround his partner with attention, which, of course, she likes. Loves sex, but always flashes and burns out like a light bulb. He simply has no time for romantic nonsense.
The egoist is still the same. He can behave as he pleases. If he wants to satisfy his partner, he will do it 100%. And if she just wants to "quickly", she will not even think about her desires. He loves to boast of his achievements.
a lion
Thinking too highly of yourself. They often have many mistresses, and therefore consider themselves kings. They are not afraid to have sex in public places. However, they are not very good in this regard. Although … maybe they just get the wrong partners.
They are very executive in bed, but absolutely not romantic. They love to talk. They are indifferent to sex, but if it is absent for a long time, they become unbearable. The bed is enchanting, everything is done efficiently and deeply. If they learned something from books, they will definitely apply it in practice. Therefore, if you are not a supporter of testing different poses, take away the "Kumasutra".
They love this business. Great sexual partners, but not up to 5. They talk a lot about this business, which is very annoying for the partners. They love to flirt with everyone in a row, although they do not tolerate the same from their woman. Very loyal. They can change only as a last resort. Sex can be engaged at any time of the day. The main thing that is required of a partner is grooming.
Not too resourceful, but very passionate and ardent. It emits some kind of special radiation, power, which is why young ladies are attracted to him like flies to jam. In bed, they make sure that the woman gets maximum pleasure, applying all the available knowledge for this. Intimacy without love for this zodiac sign means nothing.
It seems overly modest, but in fact he loves to lead an abundant intimate life. God is in bed. Everything will be with him - crazy experiments, heart-to-heart conversations (if you want), tenderness, passion, intimacy until the morning and so on. But you can't call him faithful, he often changes his partners like gloves.
Good - and that says it all.
Emotional, feels amazing, loves to experiment. He takes possession of everything he wants. And I'm not ashamed to admit how flawed. Loves to kiss. But sometimes during the act it is unnecessarily slow. The main thing in communicating with Aquarius is not to go to bed 5 minutes after you saw him.
They can rush to any adventure, just to please themselves and their partner. And make such a storm that at least get attached to the match. And they can behave very passively and selfishly. It all depends on the mood. It is worth building intimate relationships with them if you like to dominate and are ready to make sure that the Fish, inadvertently offended by something, does not slip away “into the blue sea”.