Why Does Rain Dream

Why Does Rain Dream
Why Does Rain Dream

Any dream can be interpreted in different ways. For example, according to Miller's dream book, if you are caught in a warm rain, it means that a surge of energy and strength awaits you. But other dream books interpret the image of rain in a dream in a completely different way.

Why does rain dream
Why does rain dream

Foreign interpretation of the dream of rain

Bad news dreams of dark skies and clouds. You can avoid danger by sheltering from the rain in your sleep. The noise of rain, a strong thunderstorm portends a disease in which a high temperature is possible. If you see a leaking roof, this is a nuisance and minor hassle. A dream in which you got caught in the rain and froze means that you are a very gullible person.

Downpour is a sign of growth at work and spiritual growth.

According to Hasse's dream book, if you get wet in the rain, this is a harbinger of a crisis in the family, quarrels and even cooling of feelings. Wet hair in a dream foreshadows the meeting of a loved one, the onset of love and passion. If you see black clouds, this is a waste of time warning. Trouble will be if you see a small, short rain in a dream. And the disease speaks of a dream in which you experience pain when falling on your body.

From the point of view of the psychologist Freud, rain dreams of fertilization, ejaculation. A woman dreaming of a baby may have a dream in which she falls under the pouring rain. A man who has such a dream is prone to self-gratification.

The dream in which you took refuge from the rain promises fear, fear of responsibility, unwanted pregnancy.

Denise Lynn in her dream book designated water as a symbol of strong emotional experiences, purification, freshness. And getting caught in a downpour is a sign that many tears will be shed soon.

Loff also sees water as a symbol of fertility, striving to achieve a goal.

The Russian meaning of dreams associated with rain

In Grishina's dream book, rain is a positive sign. You can get and get wet in the rain in a dream, which portends the loyalty of a spouse and the acquisition of happiness. A strong wind with rain in a dream portends anxiety, anxiety. If you see a storm, prepare yourself for dissatisfaction in bed. And continuous rain, flooding symbolize great joy, the appearance of a baby.

Wanga believed that pouring rain, accompanied by a thunderstorm, predicted war. The symbol of intuition, repentance, deliverance from sins portends a warm rain. If you saw a rainbow after the rain, this is a sign from God about forgiveness and good changes. Wanga also said that rain is a sign that a person is endowed with supernatural powers that can be used to heal people. And if a person rejected such abilities and was afraid to accept them, thereby he saved the life of another person.
