Artists who mainly paint seascapes (seascapes) are called seascape painters. The English painter William Turner (1775 - 1851) became especially famous in this field. Creating his famous sea scenes, he often used models of ships as "sitters". So we will try to repeat the work of this amazing master.

It is necessary
A sheet of paper 42 * 60 cm in size, watercolors, a craft knife, a mastic eraser, a Chinese brush, a vessel with water
Step 1
Sketch out the composition. With a black watercolor pencil, begin to sketch out the outlines of the hulls and stands on which the models are mounted. Go to the sails. Show the main parts of the deck equipment. In the early stages of work, constantly check and adjust the proportions of the elements of the composition, remembering to compare the ships with each other.
Step 2
Add color. Take a light yellow ocher pencil and shade the sails with soft diagonal lines. Cover the hull of the large ship with more intense cross-hatching. Paint over the stands and clarify the outlines of their pores, as well as the outlines of the masts, the boom (a movable bar to which the lower edge of the sail is attached) and a bowsprit (a bar protruding forward on the bow of the ship).
Step 3
Draw small folds. Draw the stripes on the sails of the smaller ship and add details at the stern. Draw the masts with a Venetian red pencil, and use it to lightly shade the hull, keel and stand. Cover the hull with the grassy green pencil strokes, grabbing the keel.
Step 4
Color the sails. Draw with a sharpened black pencil new details of the deck equipment on the smaller vessel. Shade the deck and stand. Paint the sails a deep brown, applying layers of shading with black pencil, brown ocher and Venetian red pencil.
Step 5
Line up dark tones. Use black shading to deepen the shadow on the base of the smaller vessel. By switching to a Venetian red pencil, make the color thicker and more saturated. Shade the gray shadow cast by the model on the white surface of the table.
Step 6
Draw a large ship. Use a white pencil to define the deck of the small craft. Using a black pencil, sketch out the outlines of the body of the large model and show individual details such as ropes, blocks and rigging. Use a brown ocher pencil to draw the rigging. Mark the sail stripes and hull planks.
Step 7
Add details. Draw new details - anchor, chain, rig under the bowsprit, and rings that hold the sails. Darken the bowsprit and define the shadow cast by the large ship.
Step 8
Blur out the paint. Work a little more on the sail with a light yellow ocher pencil, and then wash off the paint on the sails with a damp Chinese brush. At the same time, the brush will "take away" part of the black pigment, as a result of which gray shadows will appear on the sails. Let the image dry.
Step 9
Deepen your tone. Deepen the dark tone under the hull of the big ship with an ocher brown pencil. Using a black pencil, draw rings around the mast and refine the individual details and contours. The drawing is ready.