How To Draw A Ship With A Pencil Step By Step?

How To Draw A Ship With A Pencil Step By Step?
How To Draw A Ship With A Pencil Step By Step?

The sea, the sun, a fair wind … and an amazingly beautiful ship heading to distant fairy lands. Even a novice artist can draw such a luxurious picture, all you have to do is to want to, take a pencil and look at the picture where such a beautiful ship is drawn.

A sailboat always looks beautiful and romantic
A sailboat always looks beautiful and romantic

We start with the masts

Of all the ships, sailboats look the most impressive. A small child whom you want to teach to draw can depict a simple yacht - a flat plank floating on the waves, in the middle there is a mast, and on the mast there are two oblique sails and a flag. But you can try to portray a more complex boat, which has several masts and many beautifully inflated sails.

It is better to draw in stages. Lay the sheet vertically and draw two long vertical lines at some distance from each other. Determine where the ship will have its bow. Draw a long segment from the lower end of this mast at a slight angle to the horizon - a bowsprit.

The masts can also be positioned at a slight angle to the vertical.


The sails of ships are different. For a ship facing the audience, they most often seem to be triangles of different sizes. Start drawing from the bottom. Draw two large right-angled triangles. Right angles are located at the stern side. Extend the bottom lines a little. At the top of the masts, draw smaller right-angled triangles so that their hypotenuses line up with the masts and the right angles are at the stern.

The lower rungs can be drawn just below the sails.

Ropes and yards

Connect the top of the front mast to the end of the bowsprit with a thin line. Draw another sail on this rope. It looks like an obtuse triangle, the longest side of which lies on the rope. At an angle to the front mast, at the top of it, draw a yard at an angle. Divide it into 3 equal segments. Divide the bowsprit into 3 parts. Connect the dots in pairs using thin lines. On each line, draw an oblique sail exactly as you drew it on the first cable. The sails are about the same size. Trace the outlines of the sails and mast with a softer pencil.


It is not at all necessary to depict the ship's hull with all the small details in the drawing. You already have luxurious sails, so the outline of the ship can only be indicated - for example, with two parallel straight lines, the upper one of which goes into the bowsprit.

But if you wish, you can draw a more complex body. For example, in the form of a boat with a slightly raised bow and convex sides. At the same time, the top line of the board turns out to be curved, its most convex part is directed downward. The drawing can be supplemented with a horizon line, waves, pennants on masts and figures of people on deck and seagulls on the water and in the air. You can also see the steering wheel, which has a brave helmsman.
