Almost any vehicle can be represented as a combination of several simple geometric bodies. The ship is not an exception at all, and this is what the phased drawing technique is based on.

What geometric shapes does the ship consist of?
The most characteristic detail of a sailing ship is the sail. It is visible from afar. The sail can be in the form of a triangle, trapezoid or rectangle. As a rule, a ship has several sails. They are mounted on masts, which in the figure look like straight lines. If the ship is far away, the masts may not be visible, much less the crossbars on them. In addition to sailing equipment, the ship has a hull. On a plane, it can look like a triangle or a trapezoid.
First stage
Lay the sheet horizontally. Draw a long horizontal line roughly in the middle. It is needed not only in order to convey the dimensions of the space in which your boat is located, but also to give you landmarks on the sheet. Divide this line into two roughly equal parts. Draw a perpendicular to the marked point so that it also divides in half by this mark. This line is one of the legs of a right triangle. Draw the second leg, it will be somewhat shorter. Connect the end points. You have a sail.
Sails and hull
Draw the second sail. In this perspective, it will look like a wide arc. This arc ends at the bottom at the same level as the triangle. Draw the outlines of the sails with a softer pencil. Draw the hull of the ship. Please note that the upper deck does not run parallel to the bottom line of the triangle, but at a certain angle - it rises up in the part where the arc is located. The bow of the ship is located almost at the very end of the arc.
The body is a trapezoid with rather short lateral sides, and the lower base is somewhat shorter than the upper one. Draw the outlines of the body with a softer pencil. You can also draw smaller details - make the board slightly higher from the side of the nose, convey the shape of the hull with short strokes. The mast can be decorated with a pennant, and some kind of drawing or inscription can be made on the sails.
Completion of work
The ship is not in a vacuum. He sails on a sea that is almost never perfectly calm. There are always small waves on it. They can be drawn with short horizontal strokes. You can apply other techniques - shading, drawing dots. A very soft pencil, not too sharpened, is suitable for the second technique. When drawing points, it must be placed strictly vertically, but not particularly pressing. It is best to do this with quick movements. The same techniques are used when drawing, for example, with charcoal.