How To Draw A Pirate Ship

How To Draw A Pirate Ship
How To Draw A Pirate Ship

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The theme of piracy is shrouded in an aura of mystery and romance. Therefore, tourists are in demand for travel on stylized pirate ships. You can capture the impressions of such an adventure not only on film, but also on a drawing.

How to draw a pirate ship
How to draw a pirate ship

It is necessary

  • - a simple pencil;
  • - colour pencils;
  • - watercolors or gouache paints;
  • - brushes;
  • - paper.


Step 1

Place the paper vertically. Divide the sheet with the horizontal axes into five equal parts. The lower part will be occupied by the sea, the second from below - by the city on the coast, the peaks of the mountains on the right and left reach the border of the third part.

Step 2

Step 1 cm away from the line that marks the border of water and land. At this level, draw a downward arc - the deck of the ship. Draw a parallel line below.

Step 3

At the right end of the arc, draw a square booth. Divide the length of the deck, excluding this cabin, into three equal parts. From the points separating these parts, draw the perpendiculars upwards - the masts. They should be a couple of centimeters shorter than the deck. Use short lines to mark the assembled sails. Draw a pirate flag on the central deck. First draw a rectangle, then bend its top and bottom sides equally. Add a pirate symbol to the flag - a skull and crossbones.

Step 4

When working with color, you will need to combine large-area fills with one color and work out details in different shades. To achieve the best result, it will be convenient to fill with paint - watercolors or gouache, and draw small details with colored pencils or liners.

Step 5

Apply yellow strokes to the bottom of the stern. Fill the rest of the body with black. Immediately paint the protruding elements of the stern on the right with a thin brush, typing blue paint on it.

Step 6

The deck is almost invisible from this angle, it can be indicated by a thin brown line. Fill in the area on the protruding part on the right with a slightly darker shade.

Step 7

Paint the water surface with blue-gray. As you approach the ship, the shade should become darker and warmer (greenish). Leave the paper white under the bow of the pirate ship. A thinner white stripe extends beyond the ship. Paint the coastline with a sandy shade, paint the foot of the mountains and the mountains themselves with smoky green and smoky brown. Fill the top of the sheet with light blue with broad strokes.

Step 8

When the background is dry, use liners or pencils to draw the ties and ropes between them. Color the flags. Use short, wide strokes of navy blue to paint the waves on the water. Mark the uneven surface of the mountains with dark brown spots. Use white gouache to paint the buildings on the coastline.
