The organ is one of the most attractive musical instruments. It exists in several variations - from electronic to church or theatrical. It is quite difficult to play it, but your work will not be in vain, because the organ will give you a huge amount of pleasant minutes and delightful music.

Authority: description and history?
The organ is the largest keyboard wind musical instrument. It sounds with pipes that have different timbres. Air is pumped into them with bellows, and, thanks to this, music is heard.
The organ is played using several manuals - hand keyboards. You also need to use a pedal keyboard to play.
Large organs appeared in the fourth century. By the eighth century, they were improved to a more or less familiar form. Pope Vitalian introduced this instrument to the Catholic Church in 666.
Organ building developed in Italy, later they appear in France and Germany. By the 14th century, the organ was already widespread almost everywhere.
In the Middle Ages, organs were rough work. The keys were almost 7 cm wide, and they hit them with fists, and not with fingers, as is customary now. The distance between the keys was one and a half cm.
Learning to play the organ
First of all, you need to understand that it is difficult to play the organ. Almost all organists learn to play the piano before mastering the organ. If you don’t know how to play it, it’s worth spending a few years learning the basics of the game. But if you have some keyboard skills, you can try using multiple keyboards and pedals.
If possible, you should find someone who will teach you how to play the organ. You can ask about this at a musical institution or a church. You can also view periodicals that are intended for teachers.
Read books to help you master keyboard playing terms. For example, How to Play the Piano Despite Years of Practice is considered an excellent book of this type. She will help you get the necessary playing skills.
You will need a pair of organ shoes to play the organ. It can be easily purchased online. If you put it on during class, you will learn to own the instrument much faster. By the way, dirt does not stick to such boots, so the pedals do not get dirty.
Meet the organists who live in your city. As a rule, there are not very many of them, and they communicate closely with each other. They can give you the support and advice you need.
Do not think that you can quickly learn to play this instrument. Start small and work your way up to mastering the theatrical organ. This will take a lot of effort and perseverance.
And, of course, practical training is essential. The more and more you learn to play, the better you will get. But before you get into practice, learn to distinguish between key sensitivity, valves, and tones.