The career of Vladimir Yaglych is a meteoric rise, literally from one picture. And this fact, and acting talent, some closeness from journalists arouse genuine and undisguised interest among fellows in the profession, and among directors and spectators.

Famous Vladimir Yaglych made the role of the military, and in diverse films - from comedies to historical dramas. But he also has other images, no less vivid - doctors, athletes, oligarchs and even princes. It is strange and surprising that, according to him, he came to the profession quite by accident and not deliberately.
Biography of actor Vladimir Yaglych
Vladimir Yaglych is a native Moskvich, a graduate of the most ordinary school in the capital. His parents, even at school age, the boy noted an interest in cinema, but he considered sports more exciting. However, in high school, the young man changed his mind and began to seriously prepare for admission to one of the theater or acting universities.
Acting skill Vladimir Yaglych studied in "Pike", on the course of Knyazev Eugene. Immediately after graduation, he was awarded the Directors Guild Award and became a sought-after actor. His film library includes such significant works as
- "We are from the future",
- "Five Brides"
- "The Perfect Sacrifice"
- "Crew",
- "Catherine. Takeoff",
- "One breath" and others.
In addition, he managed to star in music videos for Gagarina Polina and Yaroslavskaya Lesya, take part in the voice acting of the heroes of popular Russian cartoons and foreign films, become a leading actor and performer of the main growths in 4 theatrical productions. The original role of the hero of the military sagas has already faded, and Vladimir Yaglych successfully tried himself in other acting guises.
Personal life of actor Vladimir Yaglych
Vladimir Yaglych is the personification of a real brutal Russian hero, and this fact did not go unnoticed among women. His most famous intrigue is an affair with a married Ukrainian woman Antonina Paperna. And it was she who became the mother of his only daughter in 2017.
But even before that, Vladimir had many novels, and even a marriage with Svetlana Khodchenkova, which, however, did not last long. Of the other "ladies of the heart" of Vladimir, the press especially noted and wrote a lot about
- Nastasya Samburskaya,
- Natalia Rudova,
- Oksana Domnina,
- Anna Starshenbaum.
Moreover, many novels were tied in parallel, although the actor always tried to refute such rumors. At the moment, Yaglych lives in a civil marriage with Antonina Paperina, who left her husband for Vladimir. Friends and relatives are sure that the guy has settled down, and the reason for this is simple - the birth of a daughter. But the couple does not even think about an official marriage, considering trust and freedom, the absence of restrictions and documentary obligations between people who love each other as the basis of relations. How this relationship of the temperamental Vladimir Yaglych will end, probably even he himself does not know.