Which Stone Is Suitable For Virgos

Which Stone Is Suitable For Virgos
Which Stone Is Suitable For Virgos

Virgo is a very deep and complex zodiac sign. Several precious and ornamental stones help her to reveal natural traits of character and protect herself from negativity.

Which stone is suitable for Virgos
Which stone is suitable for Virgos

Jasper is the main stone of Virgo

Thinly sensitive Virgos have developed intuition and a rich inner world. They are also pedantic, scrupulous and accurate. Virgo loves to self-develop and build a career. The world of art is not alien to her either. However, nature, having endowed Virgo with significant mental development, deprived them in the physical part. This sign of the zodiac is prone to various diseases, often gets tired and falls into apathy. Jasper helps Virgos cope with physical ailments.

This stone has been known since ancient times. Jewelry and amulets from evil forces were made from it. It is believed that jasper helps with epilepsy, fever, stomach upset, and various infections. Jasper also saves from pain on critical days and helps with childbirth. In addition to medicinal properties, this stone also has mystical abilities. It is said to scare away ghosts, enhance the gift of clairvoyance and save you from hallucinations. However, it also has more pragmatic positive properties - jasper improves relationships with higher-ranking officials and gives wealth.

Usually jasper is set in silver or small amulets are cut out of it.

Pomegranate is a lucky stone for Virgos

This bright red translucent gem is also suitable for Virgos - it is able to bring them good luck. It also restores vitality, vigor and optimism. Due to the rich red color of the stone, it has been suggested that it is able to stop bleeding. Pomegranate is the stone of lovers. He brings good luck in love affairs and friendship, and also relieves ill-wishers.

In tsarist Russia, garnet was highly valued, along with diamond and alexandrite.

Serpentine - help for Virgo intuition

The snake is considered one of the wisest animals. Obviously, the greenish serpentine stone also gives the owner wisdom and discernment. Virgo is one of the most intuitive signs. Serpentine enhances this quality and gives Virgo a truly mystical clairvoyance. Also, this stone protects against negative energy and evil eyes.

Jade - a healing stone

It is believed that nephritis helps with kidney disease - and it is this organ that is weak in Virgo. Also, the stone is worn for heart disease. Jade is especially beneficial for pregnant women and women who have just given birth - it supports the health of the expectant mother, helps with childbirth and promotes milk production. In addition, jade is able to influence the mind and habits of a person, increasing his craving for change.