Prophecies Of Edgar Cayce

Prophecies Of Edgar Cayce
Prophecies Of Edgar Cayce

Edgar Cayce is an American psychic and fortuneteller. He was born into a simple family of farmers on March 18, 1877. Throughout his life, he composed more than 26,000 prophecies on a variety of topics. He was known as the "Sleeping Prophet" because Cayce went into a trance state that resembled a waking dream. The American fortuneteller died on January 3, 1945. Some of his prophecies have already come true. The greatest prophet of the 20th century made a number of very interesting prophecies about the future of Russia.

Prophecies of Edgar Cayce
Prophecies of Edgar Cayce

Casey's predictions that have already come true

In the 20s of the last century, Casey makes more and more predictions about future world events. He accurately predicted the two world wars with an accurate indication of their beginning and end. He also very accurately described the crash of the American stock exchange in 1929, and the beginning of the US economic recovery from 1933 onwards.

Casey predicted exactly in what year India would gain independence and that a new state, Israel, would appear on the political map of the world. Back in the forties of the twentieth century, an American prophet said that the era of communism in Russia would end and the country would again turn to faith in God. True, a deep economic crisis will break out in Russia, but it will happily get out of it with the help of money on which it will be written: "We believe in God."

Casey's unusual predictions about China

Casey said that China would become a Christian country. He will be the real cradle of faith in Christ. True, according to human standards, a lot of time should pass, but for God this period will be like one day.

Casey's predictions about the United States

About his homeland, Casey said that interracial and social contradictions would worsen in the United States. Back in the 30s of the XX century, Casey talked about global warming and climate change. Los Angeles and New York will partially disappear from the face of the Earth, and the states of Carolina and Georgia will disappear into oblivion altogether. Volcanoes will wake up in Hawaii, and the coast of California will be completely under water.

Casey's predictions about Russia

Cayce called Russia in his prophecies "the brown bear." And thanks to Russia, hope will come to the world. This will happen thanks to the religious development and spiritual revival of the country.

In 2010, according to Casey's forecasts, the revival of the Soviet Union was to take place. Of course, this prediction did not quite come true, however, because the USSR did not necessarily have to appear again in its previous form.

Casey did not predict World War III. Instead of a global armed confrontation, the Earth will face numerous natural disasters.

Western Siberia will become the center of the reviving civilization

Global natural disasters will change the planet beyond recognition. At the same time, Russia will suffer much less than other countries. Western Siberia will become a very attractive place to live.

Casey will return to Earth in 2100

In 2000, the remains of Edgar Cayce were exhumed, under which papers were found with hitherto unknown records of this unusual person.

Cayce himself has repeatedly said that he will personally verify the truth of his predictions, having been reborn again in Nebraska in 2100.
