Which Of The Prophecies Of Nostradamus Came True

Which Of The Prophecies Of Nostradamus Came True
Which Of The Prophecies Of Nostradamus Came True

Michel de Notre Dame, better known as Nostradamus, wrote a book of predictions at the beginning of the 16th century, many of which began to come true 11 years after his death. This fact is fascinating, especially considering the fact that he was a simple pharmacist. Thousands of his followers believe that he predicted events that are yet to take place.

Which of the prophecies of Nostradamus came true
Which of the prophecies of Nostradamus came true

Events of the past centuries

One of the predictions of Nostradamus concerns the Great Fire in London, which happened exactly one hundred years after the death of the seer. Fire engulfed one building after another. The fire suffered about 80,000 people, burned down most of the buildings and even the Cathedral of St. Paul. Many Londoners saw something ominous in such a prediction, because the fire happened in September 1666, and this is the year marked by the number of the devil.

Nostradamus wrote in metaphors, vaguely designated dates, places and events. Therefore, many of his predictions, as they say, are "attracted" and are questioned.

Nostradamus predicted that in 1799 there would be a revolution in France. He wrote that enslaved people would rebel against their princes and masters. Indeed, his predictions began to come true: the riots led to the fact that the absolute monarchy, which had existed in France for centuries, fell within three years. Religious, aristocratic and feudal privileges were eradicated. The time has come for free-thinking liberals.

Perhaps due to the fact that Nostradamus was French in origin, many of his predictions concerned France. In a completely unimaginable way he was able to tell about the ascent of Napoleon. Telling about the future emperor, he wrote the following words: Pau, Nay, Loron. If you rearrange the letters, you get Napaulon Roy, which sounds like the name Napoleon.

Events of our era

“A child will be born in Western Europe. He will raise the people with his word and his glory will go far to the east. " With these words, Nostradamus described Adolf Hitler, who, according to many historians, is one of the three Antichrists described by the seer. The most impressive prediction of Nostradamus was the story of the Second World War. No armed confrontation in the history of mankind can compare in cruelty to Hitler's plans to conquer the world. It was the most destructive, the most devastating war, destroying tens of millions of people. This is currently the only war in which atomic weapons have been used. Nostradamus described the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki by US troops as "the destruction of people with steel." Apparently, the seer could not explain what he saw, and the word "steel" in those days was used in relation to various types of weapons. Although many believe that the visions of mass death tell more about the death of people from hunger and plague, rather than about the events of the Second World War.

It is said that Nostradamus predicted his own death. Having said goodbye to the servant in the evening, he said that by morning he would be gone. Indeed, in the morning he was found dead.

Nostradamus quite clearly described the death of the Kennedy brothers, one of whom was shot in Dallas in front of his own wife, and the other was killed in Los Angeles five years later, and Princess Diana, who died in a car accident with her friend due to the fault of a drunk driver.

But the most incredible is the prediction of the events of September 11, when, as a result of the terrorist attack, the twin towers of the Trade Center in New York caught fire and fell. Nostradamus wrote: “The fire of the volcano from the center of the earth will shake the new city. The two stones will be engulfed in war for a long time. Aretusa will then paint the new river red. In the year 1999, in the seventh month, Death will come from heaven. Historians believe that Nostradamus described the events of the day when New York shuddered from a horrifying event: two planes crashed into the twin towers one after the other, the Shopping Center caught fire, people were locked and could not get out of the burning buildings, and then the towers collapsed.
