Most often, people who are prone to sleep apnea suffer from suffocation during sleep. In this case, such a dream should not be interpreted, since it is caused by an illness, and the omens are unlikely to come true.

Step 1
You can only interpret as some kind of sign a dream about choking, which a healthy person dreamed. If in a dream you have to suffocate for a long time and painfully, most likely this is a sign of a lack of finances that occurs in the sleeping person. Apparently, the issue of money is of paramount importance at the present time, and the one who causes such inconvenience in a dream is associated with this in one way or another. Most of the strength and energy in life is now directed precisely at solving this problem. Perhaps, in a dream, the subconscious mind gives a sign of nervous exhaustion on this basis and it's time to give yourself a short break.
Step 2
A dream about suffocation may mean that at present a person is in an intermediate state, perhaps on the verge of making some important decision for himself. The burden of accumulated problems can also stifle, and such a dream is a sure sign that at least some of them need to be addressed in the near future, otherwise unpleasant consequences cannot be avoided. A dream in which a person suffocates or is strangled by someone can be a very real sign of incipient health problems. After such a dream, it will be useful to visit a doctor and check at least the cardiovascular system and respiratory organs.
Step 3
If a person dreams in a dream that someone is strangling him, this is often a sign that in reality this person seeks to cut off oxygen, to put pressure in one way or another, to arrange obstacles and hindrances. If the face of the strangler is clearly visible in a dream, then in reality you need to take a closer look at his behavior and stop communicating or teach him a lesson. Such a dream may indicate an internal struggle, uncertainty, indecision. In a dream, you can clearly see what the expectation can sometimes lead to, so that everything will be resolved by itself, and in reality it is better to avoid this. Perhaps this dream comes to a person dependent on circumstances or from another person. Then he does not need interpretation - such a situation cannot but grieve, especially if nothing can be done, and the dream will most likely repeat itself over and over again.
Step 4
Some dream books interpret suffocation in a dream as an unpleasant fact in reality to come to terms with a subordinate position for an indefinite amount of time. In the event that the strangler attacks from behind and it is not possible to see his face, the dream warns of misfortune that will come from an unexpected direction. If you can't make out the face and features of the one who is strangling, this is a sign of impending troubles that will require outside help. The same dream may mean that the dreamer has a lot of ill-wishers and envious people. Perhaps this dream warns of a hopeless situation in which a person may find himself.