A dream in which the dreamer is killed for one reason or another means his uncertainty about the future. Such a person urgently needs to become the master of life, otherwise he will not be able to build it properly - constant instability will simply stifle him morally. This is one of the many interpretations of this dream.

Step 1
Since ancient times, righteous humanity has personified murder with an act that tears the soul apart. It is not surprising that dreams associated with murder are interpreted ambiguously. It all depends on the smallest details and the atmosphere that reigns in a dream at this moment. The face of the killer is also of great importance. The modern dream book interprets such dreams as harbingers of despondency and sadness due to the atrocities of unkind people. If the dreamer dies at the hands of his own friends, then in reality he has envious people and enemies plotting various intrigues against him.
Step 2
If in a dream you run away for a long time and hide from some maniac, but later become his victim, in reality you will have to deal with certain matters of a dubious nature. The result of such deeds will be a disgraced name and a tarnished reputation of the dreamer. This is how the family dream book interprets this dream. According to his interpreters, being killed by negligence in a dream means becoming a possible witness of a violent death. For the sake of your own safety, in the coming days after such a dream, you should not go to uncrowded places.
Step 3
Sigmund Freud believes that murder in a dream is a desire to get rid of annoying intimate relationships in real life. In particular, if the dreamer is killed by his own wife or girlfriend, then their sexual relationship is already doomed: they do not satisfy each other properly, which can lead to either infidelity or divorce. If the dreamer witnesses his own murder, then in reality his sexual fantasies are off scale: he fantasizes too cruelly and roughly, sophisticated and perverse. This can affect his psyche. You should stop your dirty thoughts before it's too late.
Step 4
According to Hasse's dream book, being killed in a dream means ruined health. It is necessary to remember exactly where the dreamer was killed. If this is a blow to the head, then in the near future he is threatened with headaches, if it is a stab in the heart, problems with the cardiovascular system are coming, etc. In any case, do not put off going to the doctor indefinitely. It is curious that for people who are sick in real life, such dreams portend a speedy recovery.
Step 5
According to some other interpreters, being killed in a dream leads to unpleasant life situations: dismissal from work, a traffic accident, a quarrel with family or friends, the loss of a large amount of money, etc. If the dreamer dreams of how he dies from himself, i.e. commits suicide through negligence, then soon he may experience mental suffering and anguish associated with an unfair attitude towards a loved one.