Why You Can't Kill Spiders In The House

Why You Can't Kill Spiders In The House
Why You Can't Kill Spiders In The House

According to legend, little Jesus and his parents hid in a cave where spiders lived during their escape from Egypt. The dense web helped the fugitives hide from their pursuers. Since then, spiders have been especially revered by humans. It is believed that they are under the auspices of higher powers, so you cannot kill spiders - you can incur a lot of troubles and troubles.

Why you can't kill spiders in the house
Why you can't kill spiders in the house

Spiders and cobwebs in the house

It is believed that the web, woven in the house, is a reliable amulet for the family. Spiders in the house bring happiness, and the spider web attracts good energy and makes life happier.

Previously, people believed that the spider web has healing properties and is able to cure diseases. True, it has now been proven that the web has no healing qualities, but the superstitions that have developed over the centuries are still strong.

To deliberately kill a spider is to cause trouble. Of course, you cannot kill a defenseless creature, especially one that enjoys special veneration from the Higher Forces.

In modern houses and apartments, you do not often find cobwebs on the walls, except for especially lazy housewives. This belief has almost lost its relevance, however, sometimes you can hear interesting stories related to spiders living in the same house with people.

There are cases when spiders became almost family members, helping lonely people to cope with diseases and troubles.


Signs and superstitions associated with spiders

No matter how you clean the house, spiders still appear in it again, foreshadowing significant events in life.

The light spider moves up - wait for good news, goes down - unexpected news is often not very pleasant.

The spider on the clothes is good news about money.

To see how a spider weaves a web at dawn - happy events await you, wait for a gift.

A spider weaves a web in the evening - worries and minor chores.

Red spider - to make a big profit.

The spider runs along the wall - to be kind.


Spider cure

Spiders have been used medicinally for centuries. Many recipes are known to help in the healing of seriously ill patients, in which spiders were used. Before, people really believed in their healing power.

For example, to treat asthma and shortness of breath, the patient was allowed to swallow a small ball of cobweb.

The web was also applied to the open wound. It was believed to help stop bleeding.

To treat jaundice, patients had to eat a live oiled spider.

To cure the fever, the spider was placed in an impenetrable box and waited until the insect died. In those days, it was believed that the spider takes over the disease, and the patient is cured.


How spiders are used in magic

Spiders are also widely used in various magical rituals. Since ancient times, they were credited with magical powers. Spiders symbolized creativity and hard work. In magic, amulets and amulets with spider symbols are very common. It is believed that the spider web symbolizes the intricacies and vicissitudes of fate, and also symbolizes the sun and the creation of life.

How to make a wish for a spider

If you saw a spider sitting on a web, then you can safely make a wish. You need to mentally say: "If the spider descends, then my wish will come true." Now, if after these words the spider really runs down, then your plan will certainly come true.
