The eastern horoscope consists of 12-year cycles. Each year of the cycle is dedicated to a specific animal. According to an old legend, when dying, Buddha summoned all the animals to him. However, only these 12 came to say goodbye to him. The Buddha gave each of them a year of reign, and the years were given in the order in which the animals visited the Buddha. Mythological animals symbolize 12 cosmic influences that affect the character and fate of a person at the time of his birth.

Step 1
Eastern New Year does not coincide with the usual date for Europeans - January 1. The date of the onset of the new year directly depends on the phases of the moon and falls on the time period from January 21 to February 20. Thus, it turns out that at the beginning of each "European" year there is a time span that, according to the Chinese calendar, still belongs to the past year.
Step 2
Traditionally, the beginning of the 12-year cycle of the Eastern calendar falls on the Year of the Rat. In the XX-XXI centuries, 1900, 1912, 1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996 and 2008 passed under the sign of the Rat. The next year of the Rat will be in 2020. According to the conviction of the Chinese, people born in these years are distinguished by their hard work and dedication. They try to complete any business they start. At the same time, the Rat never trusts anyone, is closed enough to communication and seeks to derive personal benefit from everything.
Step 3
The first year of the Ox in the twentieth century fell on 1901. Further, the Year of the Ox was celebrated in 1913, 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009. People born in these years are physically developed, hardy, patient and laconic. Despite their isolation, they know how to win over people and, as a rule, have many friends.
Step 4
1902 was the year of the Tiger. Considering the 12-year cyclicity, it can be calculated that most of the "European" years 1914, 1926 … 1986, 1998, 2010 were also "given" to this animal. "Tigers" are persistent, courageous, suspicious and power-hungry. However, at the same time, they are capable of deep experiences and strong feelings.
Step 5
1903, 1915 … 1987, 1999, 2011 "belong" to the Rabbit. "Rabbits" are pedantic, calm and imperturbable. As a rule, public opinion is important to them and they strive to make a good impression. However, despite his modesty and meekness, the "rabbit" loves to speak out about loved ones behind their backs.
Step 6
904… 1988, 2000 and 2012 are considered the years of the Dragon. People born during these years, as a rule, have excellent health. They are energetic, stubborn and courageous. "Dragon" is not capable of hypocrisy and his opinion is trustworthy.
Step 7
1905, 1917 … 1977, 1989, 2001 "given" to the Snake. People under the influence of this sign are usually wise and practical to the point of stinginess. At the same time, "Snakes" are vain, resourceful and cunning. They have developed intuition and prefer to rely only on their own opinion.
Step 8
1906 … 1978, 1990, 2002 are the years of the Horse. The "horse" is not afraid of hard work and strives to do it in good faith. Typically, these people are smart, discerning, patient, and independent. They have a sharp mind and a well-delivered speech.
Step 9
1907 … 1979, 1991, 2003 are considered the years of the Goat. People born at this time are sublime, artistic natures. They have a refined taste and, as a rule, have a pronounced ability for various types of art. "Goat" easily adapts to various life situations and has an agreeable character.
Step 10
1908 … 1980, 1992, 2004 "belong" to the Monkey. "Monkey" is dexterous, smart, resourceful and inventive. They are distinguished by a good memory and an irrepressible thirst for knowledge.
Step 11
1909 … 1981, 1993, 2005 are the years of the Rooster. The "Rooster" is dedicated to his work, courageous and hardworking. He relies solely on his own strengths, is somewhat eccentric and loves to be in the spotlight.
Step 12
1910 … 1982, 1994, 2006 passed under the sign of the Dog. People born in these years are endowed with wonderful qualities. They are honest, loyal, selfless and loyal. They have a developed sense of duty and they, without hesitation, rush into battle with any injustice.
Step 13
1911 … 1983, 1995, 2007 are the years of the Pig."Pig" is straightforward, has inner strength and developed intelligence. As a rule, people born in the year of the Pig choose their path early enough and follow it straight, without retreating or turning.