How To Send Your Message To The Future

How To Send Your Message To The Future
How To Send Your Message To The Future

Today, there are many ways to send messages to the future via sms or email. They can reach the addressee even after 100 years. But it is not yet a fact that in 100 years this addressee will be able to receive this message, and whether this or that address will exist.

How to send your message to the future
How to send your message to the future

It is much safer to make a message to descendants in the old fashioned way - in sea bottles and buried chests. In addition, there is something romantic in this traditional method: pirates, sails, treasures … However, people have become much callous over the years.

To make a “pragmatic-progressive” message into the future, you need a sturdy container (like a piece of metal pipe), a laminator (or some plastic bags), and a shovel (you can bury the message).

As in the tale about Koshchei, the message will be in packages, packages in a pipe, a pipe in the ground in the distant kingdom, in the thirty-ninth state.

First, write on paper what you want to communicate to future generations. Take this seriously. From your note, archaeologists of the future can judge our present. Put your message in bags and seal them with an iron so that neither air nor water gets into them. An alternative way is to laminate the paper.

Now get down to the pipe. After you have placed your message inside this cylinder, seal both ends of the pipe hermetically. Mark the container with the date the message was "sent". You can, for example, scribble it with something sharp. The main thing is that this inscription can remain there for centuries.

When you are finished with the preparation of the letter, go in search of a suitable place where you will bury the message. It is better to do this outside the city, where the land is not plowed by means of communication. Bury the container deeper (2 meters) and wish him in the end that they would not find it soon, but people who would find your message interesting or useful.
