What is happiness? It is generally accepted that happiness must be earned, to go through all imaginable and inconceivable trials, hardships, losses, and then, finally, you will be rewarded a hundredfold. Less altruistic personalities are waiting to be brought this very happiness on a silver platter. You cannot criticize any of the positions, as well as support, because any opinion has the right to life.

Step 1
First, try to understand what you really want. Drop illusory goals, don't think about what should be. In fact, the biggest delusion of humanity is that we think too much about debt, although, by and large, in this world, no one owes anything to anyone, except to be true to yourself.
The concept of happiness is so individual for everyone that it would even be ridiculous to come up with a single formulation or definition. There are no rules. All laws were invented by the same people. Therefore, put all fears aside, sit in silence and think carefully about your desires.
Step 2
In this respect, children are much wiser than us adults. They have not yet forgotten how to dream and believe with all their hearts. Observe the children. How selflessly they give themselves to the game. A homemade house made of chairs looks like a real castle, a curtain like a veil, and foil rings like real jewelry. It's all about perception. Every adult was once a child. Take half an hour of your time and come up with a life that would be comfortable for you personally.
Step 3
The only warning is that there are things that cannot be changed: the death of relatives and loved ones. Don't think about it. This must be taken for granted. It's just that the period of stay on Earth is different for everyone. Your task is not to waste the allotted time clinging to the shadows of the past. Now take a pen, paper, colored pencils and draw your own life.
Step 4
Now you need to believe that everything will be exactly like this. To believe means to feel with all your heart, to feel the situation at the level of emotions, to experience it. What we most believe in, what we think about (no matter good or bad) sooner or later happens in reality. How often do we say in our hearts: "I thought so!" But in fact, it is so, you really have been thinking about the same thing for a long time.
Step 5
Take at least fifteen minutes a day to your dream. For example, while driving to work. The crowding in public transport is not the most pleasant moment in our already overly hectic life. So, instead of looking around, trying to spread your elbows wider so that the impudent citizen on the right does not take the five centimeters you are entitled to, relax and think about your dream. Imagine watching a movie with a happy ending called My Life. Consider transport as an exclusion zone, you are no longer at home, but not yet at work. Who prevents you from believing that everything is smooth at home, as you want, and even better at work.
Step 6
Now it is necessary to fulfill one more condition of the contract with the world, namely, to accept everything that happens in your life, without thinking about the consequences. As soon as you doubt, you will immediately begin to emit an indistinct signal and then, the fulfillment of desire may be delayed.
Step 7
Most importantly, do not think for others, this is your life, so think for yourself. And also do not be afraid of adverse consequences. In any case, everything can be changed at any time, the main thing is not to be afraid. As the Indian sage Osho wrote in one of his books: “Don't think about the consequences. Only cowards think about the consequences."