If you decide to purchase an antique painting, then you need to draw up a certain memo for yourself, which you need to be guided by when choosing such an extraordinary purchase.

Step 1
Antique paintings can be purchased through various channels, namely:
- through specialized antique shops, - through the Internet, - at auction sites.
Step 2
It is not so important in what way you will acquire the painting, it is much more important not to be deceived by buying a work of art from the seller, which is far from the original in quality. In order not to be deceived, you must at least be choosy and understand something in art.
Step 3
If you buy a painting, for example, in an antique store, you undoubtedly have a number of guarantees from the store and the elementary advantages of choosing. You can carefully examine and examine the painting and try to determine if it is original. If you are confused by some details that should not characterize this particular canvas, you can ask a question to the store employee, while receiving an exhaustive answer.
Step 4
For a painting that is an original, not a copy, certain features are characteristic, for example, the artist's peculiar brush strokes. Remember that the ages stated for the frame and canvas must match their actual ages. A work of art may be a reproduction or a later forgery of an original antique painting if the declared age does not match the age that can actually be determined by looking at the canvas.
Step 5
Before deciding to buy such a far from cheap thing, you need to thoroughly familiarize yourself with the history of its creation and with the features characteristic of this particular canvas. The seller selling the painting must also be aware of its "life path".
Step 6
Particular attention should be paid to damage that may not be noticeable at first glance. This can be exposure to the sun, water. Also, the seller must have a document that confirms the authenticity of the painting. In other words, a certificate.