What Will Happen If You Are Silent For 7 Days, That Is, For A Whole Week

What Will Happen If You Are Silent For 7 Days, That Is, For A Whole Week
What Will Happen If You Are Silent For 7 Days, That Is, For A Whole Week

What happens if you stay silent for 7 days? It is simply impossible to imagine the life of people without colloquial speech. After all, it is she for a person as the crown of nature that is the main way of communication. Without communication, an individual can even completely lose his human essence. However, oddly enough, in many religions, for example, in Buddhism, the practice of prolonged silence is considered an excellent way of self-improvement.

What will happen if you are silent for 7 days
What will happen if you are silent for 7 days

So is it harmful to be silent, or is it still useful? Experiments with the limitation of the ability to communicate through colloquial speech for 7 days by various researchers have been carried out more than once. And, of course, they ultimately revealed the general picture of the change in the outlook of a silent person, as well as the peculiarities of the reaction of those around him.

How does the silent one feel

So what happens if you stay silent for 7 days? At the end of such experiments, subjects usually noted:

  • complete absence of any changes in terms of physical condition;
  • experiences and disharmony in the first days of silence;
  • a feeling of harmony with oneself, as well as with everything that is around, in the last stages.

People who were unable to speak at first experienced internal disharmony due to a feeling of some isolation from society and life in general. But after a certain time, this not very pleasant state, according to the participants in such experiments, was replaced by a feeling of lightness and even some euphoria.

After a long silence, people began to understand that instead of often completely unnecessary communication with others, they can finally just “talk to themselves”. At the same time, as the subjects noted, their thoughts were ordered and became almost real - clear and very pure.

In the last stage of the seven-day silence, according to the participants in the experiments, they even began to feel complete harmony both with themselves and with the surrounding reality.

How others behave

So, what will happen if you are silent for 7 days is somewhat understandable. Silent people begin to feel happier and more relaxed during the experiment. But how do those around them react to them?

The first day of silence of a person, his friends and relatives, according to the subjects, oddly enough, usually did not even notice that something had changed at all. However, from about the second day on, the strange behavior of a loved one, of course, attracted attention. As the participants in the silence experiments later noted, by this time those around them usually began to put forward the following versions of what was happening. Silent:

  • he is very offended at something and goes on strike;
  • got sick (and, most likely, mentally);
  • practices oriental techniques;
  • trains willpower.

At the same time, close people tried:

  • in the first stages, immediately get the person talking;
  • starting from the middle stage - call a doctor (therapist or even a psychiatrist).

So what will happen if you are silent for 7 days and is it worth doing?

Thus, if a person for some reason decides to be silent for a whole week, of course, nothing terrible will happen to him. Most likely, he will really feel peace, harmony, including with those around him, as well as a surge of strength. However, before embarking on such an experiment, relatives and friends of their intentions should, of course, for obvious reasons, still be warned.

An even more correct decision would be to be silent not for seven days to rest from communication, but still for much shorter periods of time. For example, an hour a day, admiring the nature in some quiet park, or just in your room, lying on the couch. A long seven-day silence would be more appropriate, rather, not for a modern working person and raising children, but for representatives of some religions who initially devoted themselves to serving them.
