What Days Of The Week Do Dreams Come True

What Days Of The Week Do Dreams Come True
What Days Of The Week Do Dreams Come True

The fact whether a dream turns out to be prophetic or not is largely determined by what day of the week it took place. Of course, a dream book by days of the week does not give as detailed an interpretation as an ordinary one, but with its help you can find out whether your dream will come true.

What days of the week do dreams come true
What days of the week do dreams come true

What determines whether a dream will come true on a certain day of the week

The interpretation of dreams with the help of a dream book by days of the week is largely related to which planet controls the current day. In other words, on which day the dream will come true, and on which not, largely depends on the astrological characteristics of the patron planet of a particular day of the week.

Will a dream come true from Sunday to Monday?

If you had a dream from Sunday to Monday, most likely it is prophetic. The likelihood that it will come true is high if you were born on this day of the week.

Other people should not focus too much on dreams sent by the patronizing Moon on Monday. Their dreams from Sunday to Monday do not predict anything concrete, but only portend the usual household chores, useless vanity and housework.

Will your dream come true from Monday to Tuesday?

A dream from Monday to Tuesday should come true within about 7-10 days. Often, dreams on this night under the sign of Mars are associated with clashes, quarrels, and unpleasant situations.

A bright and rich dream from Monday to Tuesday foreshadows a safe start to any business, and a calm one means that you have already found a suitable occupation. If the dream seemed unpleasant to you, you should not take on a new business.

Will a dream come true from Tuesday to Wednesday?

You need to pay special attention to dreams from Tuesday to Wednesday - they usually come true. Such prophetic dreams are ruled by Mercury, in most cases they are associated with others.

Tiny, vivid, eventful dreams show your sociability. But boring, colorless and gray, on the contrary, indicate that your social circle is very narrow. You may not even have someone to ask for help in a difficult situation.

Will the dream come true from Wednesday to Thursday?

Dreams that were dreamed from Wednesday to Thursday come true quite rarely. But those few dreams that come true are sent by the planet-ruler Jupiter. They are associated with professional activities, careers and work environment.

If you dreamed about a career-related event where you are among many people, this is a good sign that indicates professional success awaiting you in the future. But in the absence of a large number of people in a dream and any active actions, special changes in their career growth are not expected.

Will a dream come true from Thursday to Friday?

If you had a dream from Thursday to Friday, try to remember it in all the details and details, since it will most likely come true. Usually dreams from Thursday to Friday, sent by Venus, are associated with desires, emotions, personal feelings.

If the dream is pleasant and vivid, and you buy or get what you want, this means that your wish will come true. If you don't get something, you lose something, or, even worse, your dream is black and white, take heart: difficult times await you ahead.

Will a dream come true from Friday to Saturday?

Dreams from Friday to Saturday come true in about 50% of cases. However, in any case, these dreams need to be given attention, since Saturn can warn of possible trials that you will face when achieving your goal.

Such tests can be shown in a dream and in the form of physical barriers - high mountains, fences, impregnable walls, which it is unrealistic for you to climb. If you have not encountered anything like that, this means that you will be able to successfully complete the work you have begun to the end.

Will a dream come true from Saturday to Sunday?

It is believed that a dream that was dreamed on the night from Saturday to Sunday, in any case, should not be told to anyone. This is due to the fact that dreams on Sunday under the sign of the Sun often come true. They can also show you your hidden creativity and talents.

In addition, on this night you can see dreams about those on whom your thoughts are most concentrated - beloved ones, close people, friends. If you had a gray and gloomy dream, it does not portend anything bright in your personal life. However, remember that everything is in your hands! Do not focus on problems and difficulties, trust that you will succeed. And then the dark stripe will surely be replaced by the light one.