Interpretation Of Dreams: Will It Come True Or Not?

Interpretation Of Dreams: Will It Come True Or Not?
Interpretation Of Dreams: Will It Come True Or Not?

Vivid dreams excite the imagination and leave a premonition of some events that must necessarily happen in the future. To determine whether a dream is prophetic, folk signs will help.


Having seen a vivid, memorable dream, a person wants to understand how true the dream will be. Can such a dream be considered prophetic?

Folk omens

There are several popular signs that allow you to accurately separate a prophetic dream from an empty fantasy. For example, if a person woke up in the middle of the night and, looking out the window, saw the starry sky, the dream should come true. A sign is considered especially accurate when one of the stars falls, leaving a thin line of light behind.

You can find out if a dream will come true by writing down the highlights of the dream on a piece of paper. Then, a leaf with a recorded dream should be burned, and the ashes should be squeezed in a fist and poured into the water. If the ashes scatter, the dream is a figment of the imagination. If the ash remains in a pile in the water, it is most likely a prophetic dream.

When a person saw a dream that expresses his secret hopes and aspirations, you can ask the Higher Forces to help in the implementation of the dream. To do this, you need to go to the window and pray, looking at the sky. If the dream leaves a frightening impression, one should, standing at the window, surpass it three times over the left shoulder and say: where the night is, there is the dream.

The interpretation of sleep largely depends on the day of the week on which he dreamed. It has long been noticed that there are certain days during which prophetic dreams very often come.

Numerology in the interpretation of dreams

As a rule, a dream is considered to be prophetic if it dreamed on Monday night, but only for people born on this day of the week. A Tuesday dream may come true several years later. The same can be said about the dream seen on Wednesday night. On Thursday people have empty dreams. But, on Friday, you need to try to remember the dream, as it determines the immediate future of a person.

Saturday sleep is half fiction, half true. It is important to separate fantasy from events that will really affect a person's life in the future. On Sunday night, there is a prophetic dream that should come true by the middle of the day. Otherwise, you will have to wait for the predicted event within six months.

You can even induce a prophetic dream using special conspiracies. For example, having made a wish for Wednesday night, you need to repeat the conspiracy several times and no longer talk. “Mother Wednesday, bread or water? If bread, then yes, water - never. If you dream about water, it means that the desire is not destined to come true. If a person sees food in a dream, therefore, a dream predicts an early fulfillment of desire.