Looking at the title, you might think that the author made a mistake. After all, what is 2019 when 2018 has just arrived? However, there is no error. Time flies forward like a bird. And today many people thinking about the future ask the question: 2019 is the year of which animal according to the Eastern calendar?

Whose year is 2019, what animal?
It is not difficult to calculate this using the Eastern calendar. From February 6, 2019, the Yellow Earth Pig (or Boar) will begin to rule. People born during the period of her reign will have excellent oratorical skills, an agreeable character, an innate sense of humor and justice, love of freedom. From an early age, they will be considered welcome guests in any home.
What traits are inherent in Pig people?
Decency, friendliness, generosity, sociability, hospitality, a desire to maintain order in everything - this is just an incomplete list of positive character traits of people born in the year of the Pig. In addition, the representatives of the symbol know how and love to work, as well as analyze everything thoroughly, so they almost never have financial problems. And good taste and the desire to follow fashion allows them to look always very elegant, to the envy of others.
But the Pig people have such traits that they themselves prevent them from living. This is a slight naivety, excessive gullibility and gullibility. It is because of them that the representatives of the sign often cannot correctly understand their partner and his intentions, and therefore create relationships with unworthy people. As for the family, it is best for Pigs to start it with Rabbits or Sheep. You can choose any profession, the main thing is that it is associated with providing quality service and high service.

Which zodiac signs are lucky in 2019?
Now that we have figured out the question, 2019 is the year of which animal according to the Eastern calendar, it remains to find out which of the signs will be lucky in the new period. In fact, everyone who does not shirk from work. So, Rats can safely start any financial projects, there will be no problems with them. Bulls should count on success in their careers, the main thing is not to forget to take care of their health and spend more time with their family. Tigers will be lucky all year in love and winnings.
The Yellow Pig also has a surprise for the Rabbits. In 2019, they should hope to either meet with a person who can become the meaning of life, or to have healthy children. The only thing is that the Rabbit-Man should carefully monitor his diet so as not to gain extra pounds. Brilliant Dragons will also be lucky in the New Year. Glory and climbing the career ladder await them. But, unfortunately, the Earth Pig will prepare an unpleasant surprise for them. Problems will happen in personal life: either a stagnation in a relationship, or trouble with a soul mate.
For Snakes, 2019 will be financially successful; in the new period, they will see a significant increase in income. The Yellow Pig will support any of their endeavors. Horses will be able to make a long-planned major purchase in the form of real estate or securities. But only if all the necessary efforts are made to this. But gambling will not bring them to good. People-Goats will also succeed in household chores and at work, the main thing is that they can overcome bouts of melancholy. This can be done through communication with a pleasant person and leading an active life.
Monkey people will be able to find a new hobby and expand their circle of acquaintances. The Yellow Pig will help them solve any financial problems. The Patroness of 2019 and her true wards will not ignore. They will succeed with ease. Only Roosters and Dogs can be unlucky. The first ones, in order to stay afloat, will have to work a lot: physically and intellectually, as well as keep negative emotions to themselves. Dogs, on the contrary, should pay more attention to themselves and their loved ones.

How to celebrate 2019 according to the Eastern calendar?
To attract good luck in 2019, you need to properly meet his Patroness. It is advisable to beautifully decorate your home before January 31, using decorations in yellow shades. And also place Boar images on furniture, walls or ordinary mirrors. Do-it-yourself toys placed in the interior in the form of this animal will not be superfluous. In addition, you can put holly leaves, acorns, sprigs of a Christmas tree or pine, and so on everywhere.
It is better to celebrate the New Year 2019 in an evening dress made of muted yellow fabric. At the same time, it is advisable for women to wear jewelry made of gold or gilding (for example, a chain or bracelet), and for men to add some small detail of a similar shade to the image being created. This can be, for example, a buckle, tie clip or ring. Of the jewelry, it is better to give preference to those made with a yellow stone: citrine, amber, beryl, etc.
What can you cook for the New Year 2019?
Many different dishes should be served on the New Year's table in 2019, as the Earth Pig loves abundance. You can cook them from any product except pork. But it is desirable that the yellow color predominates on the table. Therefore, more vegetables of a similar shade should be added to the dishes. These can be, for example, squash, carrots, lemons, bananas, and so on. Fish can also be served, but in small quantities. One salad "Herring under a fur coat" will be quite enough. Well, for dessert, you can serve pastries made in the form of a pig. It is even necessary to please the patroness of 2019 - the Yellow Earth Pig.