The Year of the Red Fire Rooster promises us many surprises and surprises. To be ready for change, study your eastern horoscope for 2017.

The rooster is not very pleased with people born in the year of the Rat. Therefore, do not make grandiose plans, but try to keep what you already have. It is important this year to be attentive to your health, not to neglect examinations, vitamins and useful gymnastics. You should also avoid overeating and try to eat right. In the financial issue, no changes are expected in 2017. In love, it is also important to maintain a strong and stable relationship while avoiding temptations.
Ox Born under the auspices of the Ox, the year of the Rooster will bring new opportunities and rapid changes. If the Bulls can use them, they will change their lives for the better. Health will be strong, but it is important not to overexert the nervous system and avoid fatty and junk food. It is possible that 2017 will bring Bulls profit and new sources of income. In personal life, everything is also successful, and single people have a chance to find their love in 2017.
The Rooster and the Tiger, frankly, have a rather tense relationship. Therefore, the Tigers in 2017 will need to make every effort to achieve their goals. To maintain their health, the Tigers will have to rest more and avoid stress. Well-being will depend on their ability to work, dedication and decency. In personal life, Tigers should strive for harmony and mutual understanding.
Rabbit The year for Rabbits promises to be quite difficult and changeable. But do not blame the Rooster for this, because the representatives of this sign themselves sometimes create problems for themselves. In winter, you should beware of hypothermia, otherwise there is a great risk of colds. And throughout 2017, Rabbits should be very careful about alcohol. The stars also warn the Rabbits not to lend money, or to draw up everything legally competently. Love and understanding are expected in family life.
Dragon Dragons in the year of the Rooster will be lucky. The excellent health of the Dragons will not fail if they monitor their emotional state. The beginning and middle of the year will be a good time for large purchases and investments. In personal life, it is very important for Dragons to learn to understand their soul mate, as well as close their eyes to minor flaws.
Snake The Year of the Rooster will give Snakes new opportunities and pleasant surprises. Also, for the representatives of this sign, 2017 promises good health and performance. In terms of money, everything is also quite positive, you can even help friends and relatives. In 2017, Snakes will be attractive and have a great chance to arrange their personal life.
Horse Representatives of this sign in the year of the Rooster will have to achieve everything without outside help. It is also important to monitor your health and nutrition. With finances, everything will be more or less stable, especially if you do not plan large expenses. In love, Horses await a time of passion, and a lonely soul mate can meet.
Goat In the year of the Rooster Goats can achieve a lot only if they are not lazy. Health problems are not expected, especially if you follow the diet and sleep patterns. Finance promises to please the Goats as 2017 will be profitable. Also, the year of the Rooster will bring good and strong relationships to the Goats.
Monkey The stars promise that if the Monkeys behave well and work hard, then the year of the Rooster will be quite successful for them. It is better not to joke with the health of the Monkeys, and also avoid unconventional methods of treatment. In 2017, Monkeys are better off reducing their spending and trying to save savings. For lonely people, the year of the Rooster will be very successful.
Rooster By the right of the owner of 2017, Roosters will be a little easier than the rest. However, you should not relax, you should pay attention to health, especially chronic diseases. You should be careful with money and avoid unplanned expenses. In love, Roosters in 2017 will have everything calm and stable.
Dog Dogs in the Year of the Rooster should reduce their ardor a little and try not to succumb to negative emotions. Health in 2017 will need to be protected and not be negligent about your well-being. The financial well-being of the Dogs will depend only on their efforts. Personal life promises to be quite successful.
Boar In the year of the Rooster, prosperity and success await representatives of this sign. Health will be strong enough and will not require special attention. In financial matters, everything is also quite rosy, as in a career. It is important for Pigs to add romance and tenderness to a relationship to make the union even stronger.
In general, the year of the Fire Rooster promises to be difficult, but quite interesting and rich in events and surprises.