Spinning the ball on your head is definitely a spectacular and memorable trick. Learning to wield the ball so dexterously takes hours of hard training and patience. But the reward for your efforts will be unmatched skill and genuine admiration of others.

Step 1
The simplest exercise you can do is hold the ball on your forehead. To do this, take the ball and place it on your forehead, but do not remove your hands. Otherwise, it will roll, and nothing will work for you. Hold the ball with your hands, and at this time yourself, look for the necessary balance so that the ball stops rolling on your head. As soon as you find it, fix it for yourself and then begin to slowly loosen the support of the hands. If the ball continues to roll, hold it, return it to its original position and try again. Your task is to hold the ball for a longer time each time. Remember also a little trick - the closer you place your hands to the ball when it lies on your forehead, the easier it is to hold it.
Step 2
The training technique for the back of the head and crown is absolutely identical to the previous one. Also, first hold the ball with your hands. Then gradually release the support. After a while, during which you will practice hard, try to release the ball longer and longer.
Step 3
After you learn how to hold the ball with only your head, you can move on to more difficult tasks. For example, walking with a ball on your head. To do this, you need to train your balance very well. You have to literally merge with the ball in order to feel its every movement and in which direction it is going to roll. This is necessary so that when you move, you can return the "walking" ball back with a slight shake of your head.
Step 4
If this exercise seems very simple to you, then move on to complications. You can try learning how to kick one ball with your foot while the other is on your head. To do this, you need to feel your body even more. And again, it is necessary to learn the technique of holding the ball in the same position in order to keep in balance not only the ball on the head, but also your own body when performing such an exercise.