How To Keep Your Child On The Street In The Summer: Playing With Crayons

How To Keep Your Child On The Street In The Summer: Playing With Crayons
How To Keep Your Child On The Street In The Summer: Playing With Crayons

How to entertain a child on the street in the summer, if a trip to the water park, a trip to the country house and travel to hot countries is impossible or has already become a passed stage? Organizing free outdoor activities is easy - enough imagination and a package of crayons.


Crayon games can be both mobile and intellectual. To make the child interesting, invite a group of neighboring children to participate and alternate active games with calm ones.

Outdoor games with crayons

1. "Caterpillar". Draw a chain of 10 circles with chalk on the asphalt, each circle approximately 1 m in diameter. Number each circle. The tenth circle is the head of the caterpillar, you can draw eyes, a smile and antennae on top. There should be a drawn table of results with the names of the participants next to it. Rules of the game: each participant stands at the first circle, without going beyond the line, and throws a flat stone / coin / stick (everything that you find for the game, except the ball - because it will bounce). On what number he gets - he gets so many points. The number of throws is determined at will. At the end, calculate the results.

2. "Who's next." Distribute one piece of crayon to the participants, each of them should have their own color. Draw a Start bar. Each participant jumps from a line in length and draws a line near the heels. Whoever jumps next won.

3. "Mischievous bees". Draw colored circles about 1 m in diameter in a random pattern. The number of circles must be equal to the number of participants. Children are bees, and circles are flowers. An adult says: "Early in the morning, at five o'clock, the bees decided to fly," and turns on any short-lived music (you can first download children's melodies to your phone). At the last minutes of the melody, the presenter says: "A breeze suddenly flew, let each bee take its flower!" Those who did not manage to take any circle at the end of the music are eliminated from the game. The last remaining is the winner.

Intellectual games with crayons

1. "Confusion". Think of any word and write it on the pavement, rearranging the letters in places. Invite the children to guess and write their own version of the word.

2. "Draw the picture." An adult begins to draw something and stops halfway: half a circle, half a house, etc. Children are invited to guess what is drawn and finish the drawing according to the author's idea or continue drawing at their own discretion.

3. "Who loves what." An adult draws different animals on one side and food on the other. Children are invited to finish drawing a line connecting the animal and food (for example, a squirrel and a nut, etc.).