The famous bodybuilder, actor and California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger has never been deprived of the attention of women. However, contrary to tradition, he was married only once. Later it turned out that "Mr. Universe" also had extramarital affairs, as a result of one of them a son was born. This relationship also had less pleasant consequences - it became the reason for a break with his wife, Maria Shriver.

Just Maria: life before Schwarzenegger
Maria Shriver was born in 1955 in a very difficult family. Her father, Robert, was a prominent politician, and her mother, Eunice, belonged to the famous Kennedy clan. Despite the consistency of the parents, their fame and status, the girl's childhood was the most common. Father and mother wanted her to feel free and be able to choose the path of life herself.

When Maria grew up, she was sent to a small school in Maryland, after graduation, the girl entered the private University of Washington. The heiress of the Kennedy family studied American studies: a number of disciplines related to the history and politics of the United States. In 1977 she successfully defended her bachelor's degree.
After completing her studies, the girl moved to Philadelphia and began a career as a producer and news editor on one of the TV channels. Maria successfully moved up, without any problems combining her career and family. In 2004, she had to say goodbye to her favorite news channels, as her husband was elected governor of California. The wife of a person of this rank had to look for another sphere. Shriver focused on community projects, volunteered a lot, and helped her husband organize various events.
Family and Children
Maria was distinguished by a spectacular appearance: a bright brunette with beautiful eyes, a beautiful figure and an abyss of charm. However, she was in no hurry to make romantic acquaintances: strict family upbringing excluded premarital relations.

At the age of 20, the girl met "Iron Arnie". The meeting took place at a charity event hosted by her mother, and Schwarzenegger acted as the guest of honor. Later, both said in an interview that the interest was mutual, but falling in love came later. Both were serious about the search for future halves, the novel developed slowly but surely.
The wedding took place 9 years later, in 1986. The event became a real bomb for the media, all the tabloids printed a photo of the happy couple. The relationship between the spouses was cloudless: their views on marriage and family completely coincided, both wanted children. The first daughter Katherine was born 3 years later, followed by her sister Christina. After another 2 years, the long-awaited son Patrick was born. The couple's last child, Christopher, was born in 1997.

Family life was measured. Arnold successfully starred: it was during this period that a series of his best roles in "Commando", "Terminator", "Predator", "Red Heat" took place. The tabloids simply adored this couple: she did not give rise to scandals and gossip, but she was an excellent supplier of beautiful photos. The wife is the heiress of a political clan, a journalist and writer, her husband is a super-athlete and an aspiring politician. Both are beautiful, stylish, open-minded and successful. Well, four adorable children confirmed: this union is concluded forever, it is simply impossible to destroy it.
Divorce and find yourself
The family idyll collapsed completely unexpectedly for the public and the press. In 2011, the couple released a statement about their decision to leave after 25 years of marriage. Dedicated fans could not believe this news, but everything that was said turned out to be true. The official reason for the breakup was dry and vague: "irreconcilable differences." The reality turned out to be much more prosaic. Maria learned that her husband had been living with the housekeeper Mildred for several years and even had a son from her. Like a true Kennedy, the woman did not bring this information to the public's judgment, but she could not forgive her unfaithful spouse.

The divorce dragged on for a long time, despite all efforts, the ex-spouses could not maintain normal relations. The children were very worried, but they learned to hide their feelings thanks to the support of their mother. After assessing Arnold's property status, his former family received a decent maintenance. However, Mildred Schwarzenegger did not offend either: a house was bought in her name.
After the divorce, Maria could not recover for a long time, looking for reassurance in work and taking care of children. She decided to forget about her personal life. However, in 2014 it became known that she had a close friend with whom the woman lives in a civil marriage. Political scientist Matthew Dowd was able to return Mary to the joy of life, adult children were sympathetic to the choice of the mother.
Over the years, the troubles caused by the ex-husband have been forgotten. Maria and Arnold talk again, meet at family events and even pose for shared photos. Despite his age, Shriver works a lot, produces socially significant projects and charity.