Recently, our government has been paying great attention to the development of sports in the country. New sports grounds, stadiums and football fields are opening in cities one after another. Of course, these measures give everyone the opportunity to do their favorite sport in their free time, including football.

Step 1
Surely everyone remembers that earlier in the courtyards, football battles were constantly in full swing among the boys. Then none of them thought about creating their own team, uniforms and even the name of a football club (albeit a courtyard one). But times are changing. Now, instead of a trampled wasteland with stones or bags instead of gates, football fans have quite decent fields at their disposal. The problem with the purchase of game ammunition is also not so acute. Therefore, close-knit football teams appear everywhere.
Step 2
But any team needs its own name, because, as one proverb says: "As you name a ship, so it will float." Of course, the name of any football squad should contain hidden energy, strength, courage, will and inflexibility. Just listen carefully: Dynamo, Torpedo, Lokomotiv and even Spartak.
Step 3
However, all these names have long been known and widespread in our country. And, you must admit, calling the team again in a similar way will be, firstly, not original, and secondly, just boring.
Step 4
Try something new and preferably global. For example, you can use the name of the planets, as the same football "Saturn". "Mars", "Jupiter", "Uranus" and "Pluto" are not yet very well known (or maybe they are not even occupied at all).
Step 5
In addition, many people like to mention one or another predator in the names: bears, wild boars, wolves, etc. On the one hand, this, of course, sounds proudly (the same “Chekhov Bears”), and in the USA almost all teams have one or another totem animal in their name. But, you see, in Russia this option may not always be suitable, especially if you live in a settlement with a characteristic name. It is unlikely that the "Rzhaksi Elks" or "Uryupinskiye Devils" will evoke any feelings in the fan, except for a smile. So try not to overdo it.
Step 6
Another option is to take a word that few people understand, from any reference book or encyclopedia. It is unlikely that the average person realizes that, for example, "Triplex" (the name of one of the musical groups) is the designation of one of the types of glass.