When you and your like-minded friends have already organized your own musical group, rap for you is now not just a hobby, but a real serious activity, then all that remains is to choose a suitable name for your team. How to choose it and what to be guided by so that the group will be remembered and appreciated?

Step 1
Write down on a piece of paper the names of all the bands that made you know and love rap. Take the factor that inspires you as a basis, come up with and write down in front of each group a name that is close in meaning. It will also be a sign of both gratitude and respect for your favorite band. For example, if the first rap group that impressed you is "Casta Discography", then you can name your group "Castamania", "Castagraphs" or even adding a note of humor "Castaprava".
Step 2
Analyze the lyrics of your songs. Determine the main focus of their topics and based on this, try to express it in one or two words. If it is not very sonorous, then translate it into English or some other language, perhaps in another language these words will sound beautiful, original and pleasant to the ear.
Step 3
Listen to your inner voice, try to intuitively choose how you would like your group to be called. Repeat aloud the names suggested by the subconscious several times, try adding enlivening adjectives to them, for example, if the word "albatross" comes to mind, then let it be "dashing albatrosses", "crazy" or "desperate".
Step 4
Ask your friends for help, it is quite possible that one of them will give you a good advice or idea. Rap has been living in the music arena for decades. Back in the 40s, Cab Calloway used rhymed speech to communicate with its listeners. Include his first or last name in your band name, or play it in some interesting way, for example Calloway-park. However, you can choose and use in the name the surname of any of the artists unknown in Russia who first started using rap on stage, for example, Charlie Daniels, Arlo Gutherie, Lou Rawls, or Bo Diddley.
Step 5
Well, if nothing inspired, then do it simply: write down the first letters of the names of your group's composition and put the number obtained as a result of adding up the years of all participants through a hyphen. You should get something like "GRO-88", "MK-47" or "URIM-116".