Enchanting is one of the most sought-after professions in World of Warcraft, but at the same time, one of the most difficult to develop. When the skill is pumped up to 450, the profession brings quite substantial sums, so those who want to study it are not diminished.

It is necessary
- - a computer,
- - World of Warcraft.
Step 1
In order to learn the profession, visit one of the trainers in any capital of Azeroth and learn Enchanting. To increase the skill to 50 points, spray green things - this is the easiest way, which does not waste any ingredients. After reaching 50, learn Enchanting (Journeyman). Your trainer will teach you the recipe for Enchant Bracer - Health I. You need to make 40 of these items, this will raise your skill to 90. Then learn Enchant Bracer: Stamina I and raise your skill to 100. To do this, you will need 30 Strange Dust items. "Strange Dust" at a low price, then purchase it and raise your skill to 120. If the item is not cheap, then, using the Great Magic Wand recipe, pump the skill to 110.
Step 2
Visit Stonetalon Mountains for the Horde, or Ashenvale if your character belongs to the Alliance. Purchase the recipe for "Formula: Enchant Bracer - Strength" from the vendor. Use this recipe to raise the skill to 135. Return to the trainer in one of the capitals and learn Enchanting (Expert). Craft 20 Enchant Bracers - Stamina and 40 Enchant Bracers - Strength II to raise the skill to 165.
Step 3
Make 20 Enchant Bracer - Spirit III and 15 Enchant Bracer - Strength III (Trainer has recipes), your skill will rise to 185. Trainer will teach you Enchanting (Craftsman). Use the Enchant Bracer - Strength III and Enchant Cloak - Defense II recipes to level up the skill to 245. Next, you'll need the Simple Mana Oil and Enchant Shield - Stamina IV recipes purchased from the trainer. After making the required number of items, you will raise the skill to 285. If there are any lack of any ingredients, buy them at the auction. Don't forget to spray green and blue items as well, this will save you a lot of gold.
Step 4
To raise the skill to 290, go to the Outer Lands location, there learn Enchanting (Master). In Moonglade you will find the character Lorelei, she has the recipes you need for Enchant Cloak: Defense III and Runed Arcanite Rod. Raise the skill to 310, then enchant Enchant Gloves: Assault I 13 times and Enchant Shield - Stamina V 10 times (buy the recipe from Madame Ruby in Shattrath City). To raise the skill to 350, prepare the required amount Excellent wizard oil.
Step 5
Next, go to Northrend, learn Enchanting (Grand Master). At this stage, you need to buy all the recipes from the trainer and enchant items, to raise the skill to 430 you will need about 500 Absolute Dust items. At this stage, pumping a profession becomes a really expensive pleasure.
Step 6
Buy the Enchant Gloves - Gunsmith recipe from Vanessa Sellers in Dalaran and enchant 10 items (you will need 80 Eternal Earth and 20 Dream Shard to do this)
Make 5 Boot Enchant - Assault II to maximize your skill. You have fully learned the Enchanting profession!