In real life, few people like spiders - some of their species are poisonous and dangerous to humans. But for simple spiders living in a house or apartment and weaving a web in a corner, people often leave life and freedom of movement, because house spiders are believed to bring money and good luck to the home. Also, dreams about spiders are not unambiguous and promise a variety of events.

Spider dreams - negative meanings
The classical interpretation of dreams about spiders usually attributes negative qualities to these creatures. Most often, the spider acts as a clear and dangerous enemy. Naturally, the solution to sleep will depend on how the spider looks in a dream, what it does, how you interact with it and what other attributes are present there, first of all, the web.
Any dream should be assessed independently, relying primarily on your personal feelings and intuition. After all, no dream book will clarify the situation that arose in a dream as accurately as you yourself.
A spider in a dream most often means that they are trying to influence you from the outside, making a victim out of you. Or, on the contrary, you are trying to lead an aggressive expansion in relation to other people. If you enter into a fight with a spider, then a conflict with your superiors is possible. A large spider with a cross on its back can portend death in the house, and a huge spider speaks of a serious danger that you may face in the near future. To brush off a spider - to disagreements with relatives. Most likely they will not approve of your decision and will not support you. Crushing a spider - to failure and big trouble.
The bite of a large spider portends a serious illness or poisoning. And the bite of a small spider is slander and envious people.
The cobweb is an important attribute in spider dreams. As a rule, the web denotes a negative phenomenon - a conspiracy, a trap prepared for you, for example, if you are entangled in it in a dream. If you have a nightmare where you are on a web surrounded by many spiders, then this portends a deterioration in financial condition, blows of fate and deterioration in health. But if in this dream you were not afraid of the situation and took everything with joy, then the dream can be interpreted with the opposite meaning - well-being and happiness. But if in a dream you brushed off the cobweb with a broom, most likely, you will be denied a very important audience with your boss or other high-ranking person.
Spider dreams - positive meanings
But not everything is so bad with the arachnoid detachment. Many interpretations of dreams about spiders promise people well-being and prosperity. For example, a spider that you hold in your arms in a dream portends gifts. A spider weaving a web is a happy sign that promises good luck in almost everything - money, love, health. The same is promised by a dream in which a golden or green spider crawls over your clothes. A dream, in which there is a peaceful large spider, for a young girl should be especially pleasant. After all, such a dream speaks of the upcoming persistent courtship on the part of a young man with great wealth.