At the time of meeting Vyacheslav Myasnikov, his future wife could hardly have believed that this awkward guy, far from presentable, would become her husband. The couple have been together for almost 20 years, they have three children, and they are happy.

Showman, singer, actor, comedian Vyacheslav Myasnikov has been married for almost 20 years. His wife, Nadezhda Myasnikova, is a real blonde beauty, a wise woman and mother, patient, able to find a compromise in any situation. This is exactly what her husband says about her. Who is she? How and where did you meet your future husband? What does the spouse of the most vociferous member of the legendary "Ural dumplings" do?
From KVN to "Ural dumplings"
Vyacheslav Myasnikov's parents did not even think that their son would be the star of the world of humor in Russia. The family lived in the outback - in one of the villages of the Tyumen region, which could be reached by boat in summer and by helicopter in winter.
Little Slava did housework, looked after animals and dreamed of becoming a pilot. He had another passion - listening to humorists' monologues and then parodying them. He even arranged small concerts for loved ones and relatives, read Petrosyan's monologues to them.

This talent came in handy when he entered USFEU and became a member of the university KVN team. Literally after a couple of games he was persuaded to go to Ural dumplings. This step became fateful for Vyacheslav, both professionally and personally.

After winning the Higher League of KVN, the Uralskiye Pelmeni team decided to open their own TV show. Myasnikov became not only one of the leading actors and co-authors, but also the voice of the program. For the show, he wrote more than 100 humorous songs, which literally diverged into quotes.
All this time, including the period of formation associated with lack of money and other difficulties, Myasnikov was supported by his wife, Nadezhda. She took care of the house and three children on her shoulders. She supported her husband when he decided to pursue a solo career and leave the TV show "Ural dumplings".
A guy from the province and a bright blonde - the love story of the Myasnikov couple
Vyacheslav left his native village when he was only 16 years old. Finding himself alone in a big city, the guy was not at a loss, he overcame all the difficulties of student life with dignity, studied well. Another stimulus to self-development was the acquaintance with a bright and stylish blonde Nadya.

During the meeting with his future wife, Slava was a poor student, and he had to turn on his fantasy in order to surprise the girl. On dates, he invariably came with flowers, more precisely - with one flower. I took my beloved to the movies in the morning sessions, as tickets for evening screenings were more expensive. Nadia was touched by the way Vyacheslav tried to surprise her, took care of her.
In 2002, the couple formalized their marriage. Young people dreamed of children, but for seven long years Nadezhda could not bear the child. In 2010, the couple had two children at once - twin sons Konstantin and Maxim, and in 2017 another one - Nikita.

Nadezhda Myasnikova is happy to take care of the house and children, while her husband earns money, delighting fans with his talent. The woman has two higher educations - she is an economist and a technician in the field of food production. Nadya rarely appears in public, she refused to move to the capital, as did the wives of some other actors of the Uralskie dumplings show.
The Myasnikov family lives in Yekaterinburg. The head of the family often leaves for shooting and tours, but always misses home, wife and children. Proof of this is the cute photos with his wife and children that appear on his social media page as soon as he returns to Yekaterinburg.
Solo career of Vyacheslav Myasnikov
Myasnikov is not only a talented actor and vocalist, but also a talented composer and poet. Songwriting is one of his main hobbies. While still a student, he wrote a hymn for his native university, and then, during his entire career, more than 150 compositions.
In parallel with his work in the TV show "Ural dumplings", Myasnikov was actively involved in the development of his solo career. He has released three song albums:
- "I'm going to my grandfather",
- "Happiness",
- "Dad, stay with me."
For two years Vyacheslav Myasnikov starred in a sketch show of one of the Russian TV channels called "Unreal Story" (2011-13). In 2017, Myasnikov tried himself in the role of an actor of the comedy genre - together with several other participants of the Ural Dumplings, he starred in the film Lucky Case. In the same year, Vyacheslav produced a new project "Merry Evening", for which he himself wrote the lyrics, was its host and actor at the same time.
At the end of 2018, information appeared in the press that several actors, including Vyacheslav Myasnikov, were going to leave the Ural Dumplings TV show. He himself did not confirm or deny this news, but presented to his fans a new project - "Your dumplings", on which Andrei Rozhkov worked with him.
The refutation of Myasnikov's departure from the "Ural dumplings" was the new episodes of the show, in which he takes part. It seems that everything is stable for him - both in his personal life and professionally.