Today, the tectonics dance trend is gaining in popularity at a tremendous pace. But given that this style was born relatively recently, not everyone still knows what it is.

Tecktonik is a type of modern dance that originated in France in 2000. The new direction especially attracts adolescents, and today schools teaching this direction have opened in many large cities of Russia. Tectonics includes many different styles and dance cultures, such as breakdance, electro, king-tat, hip hop and others. This direction of dance got its name from the parties of the same name, held in a famous club in the capital of France. Tectonic began to gain its popularity closer to 2010, the reason was the distribution of videos with these dances on the network. So the style became known to wide circles, and it had its first fans. There were no schools teaching tectonic dance at the beginning of the emergence of the direction, so young people honed their dance skills on the streets, shot a video that they posted on the network, where other fans of the direction could learn something new for myself. Today tectonic means not only a certain line of dance, but also a direction in music and clothing. So, tectonic is usually danced to heavy electronic techno. And modern teenagers who have chosen this direction of dance for themselves usually wear tight jeans and T-shirts with an unusual pattern, they usually use sneakers as shoes, and they have a bright hairstyle on their heads. It is by these signs that one can distinguish a tectonist dancer from others. When a person just begins to watch a tectonist dance, he is frightened by heavy movements and transitions, but if you understand them, then everything will not be so difficult. First, download the music and video teaching this style, and daily practice for a couple of hours in front of the mirror, and if you wish, you can immediately enroll in a school that tectonics.