When the phrase "belly dance" is used, many people imagine oriental beauties with curvaceous forms, but this image does not fit at all with weight loss. Nevertheless, balldance helps not only to become more plastic, but also perfectly tightens the figure.

Oriental dances, specifically belly dancing (belly dance), is a very hard work of the abdominal muscles. A dancer can use up about 450 kcal per hour of training. After about 2-3 months of regular training, a woman's well-being significantly improves, her posture is leveled, the digestive tract is working better, and even the menstrual cycle is normalized.
Who can do oriental dance? Almost everyone, from 5-year-old girls to "grandmothers". True, oriental dances have some contraindications, for example, serious diseases of the spine and joints, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in the acute stage, gynecological problems. With such ailments, sudden body movements should be avoided.
How difficult is it to practice oriental dancing? It won't be easy at first, but a positive attitude and perseverance will help you master basic dance skills after about six months of regular practice.
How long does a workout usually last? On average, one lesson lasts about 1.5 hours, and is held 2-3 times a week, sometimes more often.
Is it true that belly grows from oriental dances? It is not true, on the contrary, the stomach acquires a beautiful relief, and the waist becomes more accented and graceful.

The main elements of oriental dances
1. Shaking - vibrating movements of various parts of the body - stomach, hips, chest, arms.
2. Rocking chair - movement of the hips from left to right or up and down.
3. Pendulum - the hip is brought to the side, lifted up and down. Then the same thing is repeated with the other thigh.
4. Wave - wave-like movements of the hips, while the upper body remains motionless.
5. Eight - the hips write out the number "eight" or the infinity sign around the vertical axis.
6. Circle - only hips or chest work, which move in an imaginary circle in a horizontal plane. You can also make a vertical circle with your chest.
7. Strikes - the movement is performed both horizontally and vertically. During the execution, parts of the body are sharply pushed in the right direction. Strikes can be made with the hips, chest, abdomen, shoulders.
Diet while doing belly dancing
If you want not only to learn how to move beautifully, but also to lose weight, at first try to adhere to approximately the following diet:
- Breakfast - whole grain porridge in water + berries or omelet with bell peppers, drink - green tea
- Snack - an apple or a handful of almonds
- Second snack - vegetable salad with canned tuna
- Lunch - 100 g of boiled or grilled meat + a cup of steamed vegetables
- Dinner - 130 g steamed fish + baked potatoes + green onions + a cup of boiled vegetables
- Snack - 1/2 cup kefir with berries